How to use Link-Building and content marketing together



 29 Jan, 2020

How to use Link-Building and content marketing together

Call it what you may,  to have a good SEO ranking should be a top priority of any digital marketing campaign. No matter what anyone says or how the policies change, SEO should always be a top priority. It helps the business to be found easily online and attract new clients. What makes SEO so great is the number of elements that influence and we would be joking if we did not mention Link-Building and content marketing on the top of the list.

Regardless of what they are called or how they are used. Link-Building and content marketing are just sides of the same coin, often more impactful when used together

So what exactly is Link-Building and content marketing 


To be precise, the process of linking the relevant website to your own website is known as Link-Building. Every link created acts as authorization or stamp of approval or confirmation of some type. In order to rank well on search engine results pages, it is important to get links from relevant and reliable websites. It is mainly used to derive referral traffic to your website and thus it holds more interests of business owners.

Why Link-Building is so relevant:

link building is relevant

  • Helps to impress Search engines and get better ratings 
  • Makes the website more visible 
  • Streamlines the website to the algorithms of search engines
  • Catapults content marketing and compound its effect 
  • Improves ratings for mediocre content as well   

Content marketing 

There are many ways you can market your product online. The most effective of them all is via content. Using self-generated content that is relevant to your product. Such as an article about the problem that your product can resolve or how it affects the community.

SEO is a very tricky business. There are many aspects that go to get the job done. However, it is best to use all the components in tandem rather than a stand-alone element. The combined efforts are most likely to get better results and optimized output.

Ways in which  both Link-Building and Content Marketing Work Together 

The simple method of getting links to your website from other websites is known as Link-Building. This could be done through blogs, videos, websites, etc. Content marketing is a method of creating required and continuous content to reach out to a specific audience. This type of marketing is preferred when bulky content is required.

We can say that both content marketing and Link-Building goes hand in hand. Without one the other one is incomplete. To be specific enough we can say that the two sides of the same coin. Both are required to ensure desired results for the Search Engine Optimisation of our website. We can consider it to be a benchmark or the standards. Performing optimization for one of the other field is not unusual but when both combined together comes with a greater deal. They provide a lot of advantages.

 In every Search Engine Optimisation, the developer needs a resource to build efficient links. With content marketing finding such resources becomes easier. It then results in an organized, effective and efficient ink building. So in order to be successful with content marketing, a website requires effective and efficient links that provide it with the required attention or recognition. So Link-Building provides both exposure and value to your website. Both these features add value to your website. There have been continuous up-gradation in search engine algorithms for ensuring the quality of content provided to the user. 

The constant change in the content marketing trend and technological adjustment is resulting in consumer better experience. Throughout these changes, one key factor always remains the same and that is Link-Building. The main features of Search Engine Optimisation are quality content, keyword optimization, content marketing, and Link-Building. No matter what appearance or design change the website undergoes but content marketing and building link would be the key factor. 

Link-Building Strategies 

The world of Link-Building has changed spectacularly from the day this concept was introduced. Earlier it was just some directory submissions, few paid links, and some keyword ranking but in today’s scenario, it has undergone drastic changes. The concept has been evolved. The demand for SEO specialists has increased in the market. To avail the benefits of this technique we need to understand various link build strategies that keep every single detail in mind.

Some of these strategies are listed below

It is believed in order to get some value you need to give the same in return. So it’s important to construct a relationship with various sites through authentic and required links.

The content needs to be creative, infographic. Various case submissions, informative guest posting various industry-related posting adds value to the site.

To identify link targets of competitors’ backlink analysis software can be used. In the world of cut-throat competition, it is necessary to be a step ahead of your competitors.

The directory sites, blog comments, networks or forum profile should be avoided or ignored they don’t give the desired output or bring out the expected strength.

Both techniques Link-Building and content marketing work hand in hand but it doesn’t indicate that they can’t function individually. They individually have a specific task. For better results, all the strategies need to be kept in mind before endorsing the SEO.

Link-Building will be a part of content marketing 

Now at this level, we are aware of what Link-Building is and what role it plays in content marketing. We can perform this linking task through blog comments on blog posts by guests, by forum posting and through link exchange. There are many ways and if done properly it brings in the top list of the search results when looked up for certain keywords.

Content marketing is also known as the popular technique of creating, providing valuable and relevant content to attract the desired audience. By aiming to attract more customers these linkings have to be specific. We prefer content marketing when our focus is on generating greater content like blog articles, slide decks, etc.

The secret of successful SEO-Hacker is Link-Building and content marketing. The aim is to build powerful links and content marketing. In order to increase the visitor views to the website we upload quality content, upload the latest information and upload a slide desk every now and then. So as to become more relevant ebooks are created.

Both strategies go side by side and trusting them plays a major role. Switching between both linking and content marketing is a comment tactic these days. We need to have clarity about what we want, what we want to achieve and the amount of time we wish to invest.  

Problems with unnatural links 

Building links have become so important for SEO that websites sometimes tend to buy links or create an artificial connection with various websites for manipulation of their ranking.  In order to stop these unnatural links, google has smartly figured out various methods to find such activities and have actively taken actions against them for linking fake links. 

The unnatural links consist of: 

unnatural links consist of

  • Swapping of links at an extreme level
  • Purchased links
  • Exchange of services and goods to obtain links
  • Links generated automatically
  • Links of web directories
  • Irrelevant link
  • Footer link
  • Redirects that are shady 
  • Sites that are bookmarked 
  • Commercial anchor text link

Business goals and SEO Link-Building

 Just adding links to your website is not more than enough we need to understand the importance of these links so that it improves our search ranking which affects the business overall. Search engines play a very important role in the digital marketing activities of the business. With more and more business shifting towards digital media it is hard to ignore the prospects and influence of search engines on the business. Needless to say, Search engine optimization is one of the key elements in strategizing product marketing and can influence the overall plans of the management. Many organizations include SEO in the plans to get the most benefits.

SEO efforts can help us in achieving various other benefits listed below: 

  • It increases or widens the area of targeted audience 

SEO is one of the best means to grow your client list. Almost everyone uses a search engine to locate information on the internet, as it is the fastest and most convenient way to do so. Using the information and preference provided by the customers can help improve the success rate of conversion and target the correct audience in the vastness of the internet.

  • Expanding the customer base by suggesting the product to potential customers 

Targeting the right people is great but converting them into customers is a totally different story. Search engines help you resolve this potential problem as well. It helps you target the audience who are in the market for similar products or services that you may be providing. Helping you find people who already want to avail your what you are selling.

  • The best way to build connections and communicate 

Direct forms of communication are always the best option. It is simple and clear. However, for all its worth it is not convenient. Especially when you want to communicate with a large number of people. Search engines are the perfect way to communicate. Now you may believe it is only a one-way communication in which the users input their requirement and find the results. But in truth, the user gives the search engines access to use their preference to improve their experience. This helps the search engine to record preferences and make more educated suggestions. 

  • Induces accountability trust and builds goodwill 

Can you remember the first thing you did when you found a new product from an unknown organization?

You did a google search for the product, most probably. It is true that the internet has surpassed its conventional bounds and became more than just a means of information. It is now a source of credibility, as millions of people on it helps others in the community by providing information. Not having a good online presence can mean a short life for the organization. With customers now being able to communicate with the organizations directly, they can hold the organization accountable for their actions. Improving the relationship between the two parties. It also helps to improve the public image of the company and grow through the ranks faster.

  • Competitive edge 

The market has become very competitive with almost no bases of differentiation between firms. In this scenario, organizations that do not realize the importance of SEO often lose out to the competition. One of the primary functions of search engines is to suggest alternatives to the customers and not having search engine optimization means that the search engines often redirect your clients to your competitor’s website. Search engines are a very powerful tool but in the end, it is just a tool. A computer running algorithms without any bias. It cannot discriminate between organizations on the basis of the quality of product but only by means of the digital quality, the organizations provide by optimizing the content.

In the end

Link-Building and content marketing are two very important aspects of Search engine optimization, but under no case should they be discriminated against on the basis of their functionality and usefulness. The key to success in the SEO business is to understand that a higher ranking is not the ultimate goal for the organization. It is potentially a final destination which the organization eventually hopes to reach. What should be the objective of the organization is to produce quality content and getting it out there for everyone to see. All the tips and tricks to improve your SEO ranking will get you so far. Unless the quality of the content is good the growth from SEO will not be sustainable.

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