8 Important Things You Need To Consider While Designing Mobile Websites!


21 May, 2024



Gone are the days when students used to sit down in front of their laptop or desktop computer and used to check their website. Nowadays with significant advancements happening in the technology sector, most students are using handheld devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers for checking website content.

You have to keep in mind that websites are accessed by students from their handheld devices. It is time that you begin to give more priority as to whether your website is compatible with mobile devices. Ask yourself some questions such as remembering the last time you took a look at your own student media website on a mobile device. Also think, when was the last time you loaded the mobile version for your site on mobile devices running on Android and iOS platforms.

If these how-to design mobile website questions look something new to you or if you have forgotten to remember the time you tweaked your website for handheld devices, then it is high time that you check your mobile presence as soon as possible. Most of the studies have suggested that a majority of users are able to connect with smartphone devices in a convenient way compared to desktop computers and laptops.

It is the right time, you take a look at your website on your mobile phone and tablet computers so that you will get an idea about what needs to be improved and where the improvement needs to be implemented. Likewise, students can have a better site experience from your website on their mobile phone devices.

To kick-start things, this how-to design mobile website article provides insights into,

  • The top 8 things to consider when designing a mobile website
  • Top 4 mobile website design best practices
  • Top 3 advantages of mobile sites over apps

Shall we begin with how to create a mobile website!

There are a few things that you will have to assure for your mobile website.

Looking to Boosts Your Mobile Traffic through Mobile Web Design?

  • Well-optimized landing pages
  • Scale Up with Mobile Web Design
  • Content Rich Mobile Web Designs

Things To Consider While Designing A Mobile Website 

We focus on the aesthetics of websites first.

Things To Consider While Designing A Mobile Website

Unique Design and User Accessibility

How to design mobile website? The design in itself is the first best design element to consider. The aesthetics part earns the first and best visitor impression of your website. If you don’t have a unique design it is high time to redesign your site so that it meets the needs of your visitors.

While aesthetics count, so does the user accessibility. It makes your website equipped with everything that enables the visitors to understand what your website is all about. So, ensure whether your educational institution can be identified readily by the mobile readers without any issues. 

Website Readability

Whether the website is for desktop or mobile versions, readability is a crucial design factor to consider. Imagine you have super engaging blog post content. But if the readability is low, visitors will not bother to read it.

Fortunately, it is not a herculean task to improve readability. The following how to create a mobile website tips might help you out a bit:

  • Make use of a large font that is at least between 14pt-16pt
  • Ensure 24 px line-height between two consecutive lines
  • Avoid using low contrast background colors
  • Narrow down your long lines. For inspiration, refer to newspapers and magazines
  • Include a sub-heading after every two paragraphs and bold them. People are here not to read but skim your content.
  • Include more bullet points as they make your content simple to read and understand
  • Give your textual content a break with images. We humans can process visuals faster than text
  • Write short sentences
  • Make sure your paragraphs don’t exceed three lines and ensure ample space between them

Simple Navigation

What is the success driving factor for your mobile websites? Navigation! You have to make your site well-structured and organized that deliver a better user experience. Otherwise, it can result in higher bounce rates and lower user engagement rates. 

So make sure your websites have sensible designs that can deliver higher engagement rates. The following navigation considerations earn good results:

  • Remember to provide the users with all information within two clicks
  • Limit your navigation options to not more than eight items
  • Use simple language and avoid any jargons that might baffle the visitors
  • Provide quick access to core pages
  • Include front and back search that helps the users find their information at their convenience

These practices ensure easier navigation within the mobile site.

Engaging Content

The aesthetics are a compelling design element. But content occupies the whole space and makes your website more marketable. Here, content refers not only to textual information but also visual ones. 

Some instances of content your mobile website should include are:

  • Videos, Photos, and Infographics for visual elements
  • Blogs, CTAs, Newsfeed for textual content

You might be well aware of these types of content but designing them for mobile views needs special attention. As the desktop version and mobile version have different view types some things you need to focus on include:

  • Avoid small fonts. Make sure the mobile site can be read easily with large fonts for better visibility within the device screen of mobile phones.
  • Use of headings for increased accessibility and scalability across mobile devices
  • Utilize bullets and lists that break complex information into smaller chunks of digestible content
  • Use appropriate colors for fonts and callouts to grab attention to the most crucial information. 

Mobile-first Design

Do you know that more than 50% of web traffic for your education website comes from mobile devices? So, put a mobile-first design the priority for your site to provide a better user experience for parents and students across different devices.

Some stats prove the significance of mobile-first design:

  • 47% of visitors don’t wait for more than two seconds for your page to load
  • More than 93% of searches for your education site start from mobile
  • Non-mobile friendly websites receive a bounce rate of more than 30%

So, make sure whether connecting with your organization is simpler from your mobile site than from the desktop. This how-to design mobile website pointer is a must remember design fact.

Looking to Boosts Your Mobile Traffic through Mobile Web Design?

  • Well-optimized landing pages
  • Scale Up with Mobile Web Design
  • Content Rich Mobile Web Designs

Fast Mobile Loading Speeds

Do you know that a significant factor lowers your site performance on mobile devices? Yes! It is the loading rate of an image on smartphones.

So, experts recommend optimizing your images for the handheld devices like mobiles, tablets, and iPads. Many education websites have photo loading issues. Therefore you can consider the following tip to optimize them:

  • Ensure that images get resized to fit the device’s speed and size. For this, you can use free compressor tools before uploading to your original website.
  • Adjust your image to 72dpi in Photoshop or any other editing software before making it live
  • Use PNG file formats for graphics. Else go with JPEGs. Make a note that images in PNG extensions can down your site speed.
  • Utilize only fewer images on each page of your site that can enhance the loading speeds
  • Deploy a safe hosting that accounts for the high loading speeds and performance in the long run

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What matters the most for your website? It is to earn higher rankings on SERPs. How to do it? By implementing the right SEO tactics, you make your site easy to find with simple search queries. 

If you have a site that no one will ever come to know and find, what is the point of designing one? Right! So, in addition to delivering the best user experience, do focus on SEO for better results.

Having said this, it is also essential to,

  • Check whether users are able to share content easily from your mobile site to the Widening of social media websites.
  • Ensure you have a mobile site that is visually appealing along with simple functionalities.

That was all about how to design mobile website. Let us keep the ball rolling with the mobile website design best practices.

Top 4 Mobile Website Best Practices

Well! You know the ins and outs of mobile sites. But sometimes focusing on complex things we tend to forget the simpler ones. So, just navigate through those simple design elements below:

Use Hamburger Menu

Do you know typical desktop navigation bars occupy much space? With limited real estate on mobile, you cannot go with the standard ones. 

So, the mobile website design best practice is to use a hamburger menu that wraps up all the features of a website navbar. It gets placed on the left side of the mobile device, and when clicked, pops open the menu items.

Disable Popups

Do you know that Google penalizes websites with a large number of intrusive popups with low rankings? 

This element hinders the visitors from getting the information they were looking for.

What is the best possible solution? It is simple. Just disable them or avoid it!

Moreover, if you find the popup more relevant to your site content, include it in a separate section above the fold.

Design and Optimize Online Forms

What frustrates the users the most after shopping out from your website? Longer online form!

Entering the form on a mobile device can be daunting. To overcome this shady effect, you can implement some mobile website design best practices like:

  • Keep the form fields minimal
  • Segment the process into simple steps

Use Collapsible Content Sections

What happens when you try to fit all content into a mobile screen? It will look longer.

Not only this! It also makes navigation more challenging for the users as they cannot discover the information they require in real-time. 

Solution? Use accordions/collapsible sections to store your content under a header that expands when clicked over. It simplifies the navigation for the users without scanning through volumes of text and images. 

Speak with your design or development team to get this mobile website design best practices to work for your site.

Yes, we are ending our what is mobile website design discussion with the advantages of mobile sites.

Top 3 Advantages of Mobile Website

When speaking of advantages, there are many, but we have assorted the best of three for you:

For a better understanding, a comparison between mobile apps and sites helps. 

1. Easy Maintenance

The most significant advantage of mobile websites is the low-upgrade costs. When you look at mobile apps that are built by a mobile app development company, you have to download every update to make any technical or non-technical editing.

Whereas, for mobile sites, you have to maintain a single version for all the devices.

2. Wider Audience Reach

The responsive designs make the mobile compatible across all devices enabling it to reach a wide range of audiences than a mobile app. As far as potential audience reach goes, mobile sites win over apps.  

3. Multi-device Compatibility

As far as mobile applications go, distinct versions are mandatory for individual operating systems and devices. It seems a bit overwhelming, right? But with mobile sites, it is not the case. 

Moreover, mobile websites boost the user experience across different platforms with easy integrations of text messaging and QR codes.


Whoa! That was a long discussion about what is mobile website design isWe see that mobile sites dominate the education sector due to their on-the-go accessibility and compatibility across different devices. You can add more features to the Mobile Designed Website In Education from time to time without going overboard with upgrading costs, which is crucial for many schools or colleges.

Have you made your education websites mobile responsive? Not yet! It is not late to have a mobile-designed version which has become a prerequisite nowadays. 

So, wait no time for creating a mobile-designed website for your organization. It helps your students have a seamless experience with your website content on multiple devices such as mobile phones, tablet computers, and desktop computers.

Want professional assistance for education website design for mobile? Do you need to build a mobile-friendly eCommerce website? Then ping us an email for a detailed discussion.

Looking to Boosts Your Mobile Traffic through Mobile Web Design?

  • Well-optimized landing pages
  • Scale Up with Mobile Web Design
  • Content Rich Mobile Web Designs

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