What is Corporate Branding and How to Develop a Perfect Corporate Brand


4 Apr, 2024



The reputation of a company's brand is critical to its success. Reputation is affected by everything a company does, including what it sells, who its customers are, and how it treats suppliers and employees. It can also have an effect on your pricing strategies.

Creating a distinct brand identity is a great way to differentiate yourself from the competition and connect with your customers. It is possible to connect with customers and gain credibility in the industry by developing a corporate branding strategy. To help you stand out from the competition, increase brand awareness, and improve customer retention, you can use this technique.

Throughout the rest of this guide, you'll learn how successful companies use a corporate branding strategy to influence customers' perceptions. But, if you're just starting out, here are a few things you need to know.

What Is Corporate Branding?

What a company stands for and how it's presented to the public are two important aspects of corporate branding. Every business has its own unique identity, which is typically represented by its brand. Corporate brands are often created by marketing professionals in order to demonstrate how they want the company to be viewed by the public. 

In order to maintain a consistent corporate brand image, it's critical to include your brand's logo and messaging, as well as its image, style, and voice, in all marketing collateral. This increases the company's visibility and distinguishes it from its competitors.

There is no such thing as a static corporate brand. Every interaction you have with the public will have an effect on it. That includes how your employees interact with the public, how customers perceive your products or services, and how your physical or digital presence is perceived.

Now that we've established what a corporate brand branding strategy is, let's take a look at its foundation.

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Why is Corporate Branding important?

Branding reflects how your company works in a fundamentally important way. Branding influences how a customer perceives your company and will create emotional responses from all aspects of their interactions. Businesses with a solid brand retain loyal customers long-term and do an easier job at reaching a larger audience. If you do not effectively brand yourself online or elsewhere, you can put significant obstacles behind your marketing efforts.

Corporate branding plays an important role because it showcases your business character, persona, values, and purpose. In other words, it is your brand image that people think about you. As a result, customers may choose your product or service because they truly appreciate your objective, trust in your cause, and have similar values.

Through corporate branding, you can achieve strong customer retention, impressive referrals, and increased revenue.

How To Develop A Strong Corporate Branding Strategy

One good way of distinguishing your company and its products is by developing a unique brand identity that is identifiable to a wider audience. Developing your company branding strategy can help establish a strong relationship among clients and establish a trustworthy brand. In addition, it will help you stand out from competitors and increase the awareness of your brand.

1. Identify and Appoint or Nominate Key Players

The first step in developing a corporate branding strategy is to determine who will devise and monitor the strategy. The marketing and communications team is usually in charge of promoting your brand's message. It's imperative that your brand values are reflected in every aspect of your company.

It's impossible to have great customer service as a part of your company's branding if your customer service is mediocre. Also, if your customers are constantly dealing with rude or unhelpful employees, the impression that your company is warm and welcoming will be quickly shattered. Every department should have someone in charge of making sure your company's brand values are followed. For your corporate branding strategy to be a success, you need to have a system in place.

The CEO, who is ultimately responsible for the company's overall performance, is the brand's ultimate owner. The performance of the brand should be monitored by the executive committee and the board of directors to ensure that it supports the company's overall strategy.

2. Consider Your Position and Existing Reputation

There are certain expectations that must be met in order for a clear corporate branding strategy to be developed. You should provide excellent customer service and high-quality products or services. To build a successful corporate brand, you need to have these things.

This is the foundation of your company's branding strategy.

Take into account the current status and reputation of your company before developing an effective branding strategy. The size of your company has a significant impact on your strategy. Long-established businesses are less willing to take risks. On the other hand, the more intimate your business, the greater your creative latitude. Although you may lose some customers as a result of changing your brand's voice, the long-term effects are much less severe. The advantages could be even greater.

Changing your company's branding may help you gain more customers than you lose. So, think about where you stand before you take any action. Many agencies offer 360-degree branding services.

They review your existing branding, brand messages, or other marketing materials closely for the right changes to take place in your company or product. 

3. Take into Account your Unique Selling Proposition 

In order to stand out from the crowd, you'll need a unique selling proposition (USP). You need to figure out what it is about your company that sets it apart from the competition. It is important to clearly outline your company branding to encourage the marketing team's ability to target your product or service to potential consumers. 

Unique Selling Proposition

Let us take an example of M&M. They say, “Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.” That's all! One unique USP that effectively captures its target market's attention.

4. Your Brand Voice and Corporate Guidelines need to be Established

When it comes to communicating with the public, your brand guidelines serve as a guide. Color schemes and logo sizes are just two examples of things that are outlined in these guidelines. Any company would be foolish to ignore the importance of clearly defined brand guidelines. They play a role in setting the tone for what to expect.

A consistent color scheme makes it easier for customers to identify your products. When there are so many options for consumers, instant recognition is critical. Customers' perceptions of your brand may be influenced by the primary color you choose. We refer to it as color psychology. When it comes to color, blue is the most trusted color; red is the fastest; black is the most high-tech; and so on.

color psychology

Consistency increases your brand's perceived value, familiarity, and trustworthiness. Ensure that your guidelines are comprehensive and easy to follow. Accessibility is an additional consideration.

brand visibility

Image Credit: Sixads

A large number of companies claim to have brand guidelines. However, only a few companies have consistently followed through on their policies. In order to establish a distinct brand, it is important to follow and enforce your rules.

5. Examine Your Marketing Channels

The channels you use to build your brand guidelines should be re-evaluated. There are many benefits to conducting an audit of the various channels you use as a well-established business. Each channel's content needs to be reviewed before it goes live. These audits serve two purposes:

Make sure all of your channels are communicating the same message. Visual consistency is just as important. Decide whether or not there are any channel-specific issues to be addressed. Video content, for example, may necessitate a set of rules. Each time you begin using a new channel, this basic review should be performed.

Setting up periodic channel audits is also a wise move. An annual audit of your various marketing channels, for example, could be beneficial. These audits are an opportunity to examine how your content is being delivered in accordance with your brand's standards.

Most companies seem to struggle with enforcing their brand guidelines in this area. However, you can leverage corporate brand services to reach there.

6. Think about How Employees Interact with Customers

The way you market your company should be the primary focus of your corporate branding strategy. Defining your brand guidelines and ensuring that all of your marketing channels communicate the same message is part of this process.

It's also important to think about how your employees adhere to your brand's values. It's important to remember that your employees are the face of your business. They deal with customer support issues, help make sales, etc.

Some questions you might ask your employees in a survey are:

  • What do you think sets us apart from our competitors?
  • Is there anything specific about this company that makes you want to work here over somewhere else?
  • Is there anything else to our business that you think is important?
  • In what ways does our customer service stand out from the competition?
  • How do we make a difference in our customers' lives?

A lot of money is spent on employee training by global brands. Apple, for example, has a comprehensive set of policies governing how its employees interact with customers in retail locations.

Market your company

Image Credit: Hubspot

Your brand reputation is built through employee training. Consider how you'll communicate your company's brand goals to employees when developing your corporate branding strategy. For employees who interact with customers or the general public, this is especially important. Seminars and workshops are excellent venues for disseminating this information to large groups.

7. Follow Up on Brand Performance

Brand performance can be measured in a variety of ways. You need to figure out which strategy works best for your business and then establish relevant KPIs. It's a good idea to set branding KPIs related to your products or services.

Things like the number of returns you receive could be tracked. A higher-than-expected return rate indicates that your customers are dissatisfied with the products you're offering. Your company's reputation could suffer if you don't address this issue quickly, which could jeopardize your entire effort to build your company's brand.

Regardless of how you plan to implement your corporate branding strategy, be sure to set measurable goals that can be used to gauge its success. Retention and expansion of the current customer base are important components of this strategy.

Another method of assessment is the tracking of a company's brand. In order to keep an eye on your brand's health, you can use brand tracking to see how your customers feel about your products and services. In addition, brand tracking can help you keep tabs on your competition and spot new business opportunities.

8. Achieve Consistency by Adapting as Needed

You'll never be done refining your company's visual identity. It is an ongoing process. To get started, decide what you want to accomplish. You plan and execute your strategy, then keep an eye on the results and repeat the process.

The review process includes ensuring that you meet your objectives. To make sure your corporate branding strategy is up to date, you should set aside some time each week to review it. To ensure that your brand's logo and other branding elements are in line with the times and the products or services you are offering, you must conduct a thorough review of these elements.

When you look at Amazon's logo, for example, you can see how they've done this.

Amazon continues to be the world's most popular bookstore. It's no longer accurate to use the tagline that was used in 1998. To better represent the company, the little arrow linking A to Z, which implies that they sell anything you can think of, is a better representation.


Image Credit: Justcreative

Sit down with your team and assess what needs to be adjusted if you identify changes that need to be made. There are times when a change is beneficial and necessary. In today's fast-paced world of marketing and branding, it's imperative that your company stay on top of the latest trends.

9. Find out Who your Target Market is

Your target audience may influence the way you communicate your brand and its message. Therefore, it is essential to research your audience, their consumption habits, and any values or causes they may hold. 

It helps convey your brand's identity and values in a way that is easier for people to understand and relate to. Learn about their challenges, goals, and needs in the industry. Your product or service's ability to improve their lives can help you connect with them, build stronger trust, and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

10. Create Content in a Range of Formats

Content provides the digital space with a constant value. It represents the ultimate form of inbound marketing and is a perfect way to show your clients your capability to provide value beyond the products or services of your business. In today's business environment establishing corporate branding can not just be done through a 500-word blog or a short sales video. Instead, you have to tap into customers' psyches and see how you can fulfill their needs effectively.

11. Tap into the world of Social Media

In the end, successful branding strategies require connecting to customers. Social media is a great way for your brand promotion. They help to bridge commercial gaps with customers. People can find out information about brands on your social media. Using it in the best possible way can add an important dimension to your company's identity. 

12. Consistently Stand for Something

We have previously talked about the importance to the corporation today as much as the business itself. It's great to incorporate a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategy into your marketing manuals as they are more effective. Until now, many firms have neglected social responsibility and viewed it as their main job to provide a safe environment for their customers. The market is changing, but the rise of Social Enterprises, as Deloitte calls them, has driven brands into showing customers they represent something. 

13. It\'s not About You; it\'s about your Target Audience

The more your brand identity matches your customers' tastes, the more your product will resonate. You have to create brand identities and create recognizable identities which your employees and departments use (non merely marketers and advertisers) to differentiate themselves from competitors. Ensure that the branding of a company is appealing to the stakeholders. Keep a clear image of yourself for future use. So your impression will be memorable.

14. Remember Consistency is Key

All your social networks, websites, packaging products, etc., should share a common image. Building a strong brand image requires consistency in your visual identity, tone of voice, and messaging across all touchpoints.

First impressions are crucial, and your business name will provide the first impression to a potential customer. Logos represent the essence and tell potential clients everything you want them to know. In addition, logo design provides a starting point for broader identity design. So work closely on that.

15. Take Advantage of Corporate Branding Services 

Dedicated brand companies provide a wide range of branding services depending on client-specific needs. Marketing agency services include a number of different products, and branding agencies are capable of covering many different aspects of corporate branding. This includes the values, core statement, message, voice, and a lot of other information. 

Some companies don't know what they are and where to start. A brand marketing agency offers various services to build up brand awareness, retain the brand image, and enhance its reputation. This list helps improve your marketing strategy so that your audience can see what your offer is.

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Corporate Branding Strategy Examples To Inspire You

In an industry where companies claim they sell top-quality merchandise at low prices, they need a new way of differentiation. The right branding strategy shows that the customer wants to find the answers to their questions. 

Do you want an idea? 

These are two examples of how corporate branding has changed the way people communicate with their clients and employees.

1. And Union Corporate Branding

Union is a German beer company taking the same disruptive approach as BrewDog. Naturally, the company's advertising campaign seems surprisingly skewed. Specifically, the organization wanted a branding that would be exciting, unique, and interesting, focusing on a certain goal. 

 German beer company

Image Credit: Union - German Beer Company

Union wanted to break the stigma around cheap alcoholic beverages coming in containers. They decided to create simple but attractive cans that demonstrate how delicious and complex their beers can be. The bright color scheme and modern styling speak of its personality and can be seen in the “About” section of the website.

2. Elo Soap Corporate Branding

A Greek traditional soap company originally created Elo Soap to update its branding and brand strategy. Their soap products inspired by Greek goddesses have been less revolutionary on the market, so they have turned to graphics as an alternative to their competitors. Those who want a unique identity can now find their own products in Greek stores. In fact, the company decided to incorporate illustrations as its visual brand strategy. The end resulted in fun new images without requiring Elo to abandon his heritage.


Image Credit: Packaging of the World

Wrapping Up

A unique brand can have a big impact on a business. This will help you build strong relationships with your customers and more. But it is crucial to remember that a successful corporation is a blend of marketing strategies and competitive analysis. If your brand has struggled in the past with achieving an effective ROI, then maybe it's time to level up on your big company branding strategies

Some businesses are in need of help in identifying what their voice should look like. Establishing a brand voice is crucial to the effective execution of any marketing campaign in any given environment. 

Now that we have answered how to do corporate branding for your organization, it is time to start building a strong brand identity.

Strong corporate branding strategies help you create distinct positions for your services and products, which in turn increases the value of your brand. With it, you'll be better able to compete with your competitors, put in place an enterprise vision for the long term, unlock leadership potential within, and create a special relationship with your customers.

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It is a great guide on corporate branding. I like how it elaborates every point.


Adonis Smith

It is very true. It is much easier for small businesses to brand than big corporations.


Jax Williams

Branding is the key aspect of any business. I couldn’t agree more.



Very good insights on branding!


Omar Moore

I had a great time reading this blog.

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