How To Drive Holiday Sales For Your Ecommerce Business With Email


8 Mar, 2024



The holiday season is returning after we have adjusted to our new lifestyles, and as the Q3 sales are over, it's time for ecommerce stores to drive the holiday season sales. While it is expected that this season may not be similar to the previous ones, the increasing interest of the public in shopping from the comfort of their home is likely to boost sales. The surging share prices of online retail giant Amazon stand testimony to it. If you are an online store or a brick and mortar store willing to go digital, you are at the right place. Today we are going to discuss how you can drive holiday sales for your E-Commerce business with email marketing. People are spending a lot more time on the internet, and emails are one of their go-to places.

Why You Should Choose Email Marketing To Drive Holiday Sales For Ecommerce Website

Emails continue to be a bankable channel for businesses over the span of nearly two decades, and the ecommerce industry is leveraging email marketing to its best. Combining the 3x more ROI than social media with 81% online shoppers making purchase decisions based on personalized targeting over emails, it is a great revenue for eCommerce businesses.

Serve Valuable Content To Your Customers

In the holiday season, every brand strategizes to send marketing emails and the inbox of recipients is bombarded by multiple brands. People tend to avoid opening emails; to prevent this, send the content they will like to read.

Roll Out Advocacy Marketing

The holiday season is full of ads, but advocacy marketing can be a game-changer for your brand. In this strategy, you have to usher loyal customers to sign up for promoting your product, whether online (on social media) or offline (word-of-mouth). As a reward, offer them discount coupons, loyalty points, or free delivery. Pardot email templates fit perfectly for advocacy marketing. 

Publish Holiday-Themed Content

On the occasion of festivals, people are in the mood of leisure, so create content that is relevant to the events. People look for decorating tips, gift guides, personal care, recipes, travel guides, and history of particular holidays. This will definitely attract customers' interest and lead to an increase in traffic on your website. Do you know Black  Friday themed email messages received 33% higher closure than BAU(Business As Usual) emails?

Send Notifications For Back in Stock or Wishlist Items

If a product is checked by a customer and was out-of-stock, send a notification by an email when it is available. Mailchimp developers are trained to create such emails; they can also automate the same. On your ecommerce website, there should be a feature of ''Wishlist'' so that customers can add products (currently unlisted) of their wish in the list; you can send an email to update them regarding the status  (like next availability, arrival time) of Wishlisted products. 

Follow Up For Abandoned Cart

Do you know that almost 70% of shoppers abandon their carts at checkout? This leads to loss of money spent on email marketing. If you implement an abandoned cart strategy, the loss is likely to go down. In your promotional emails, express the usefulness of the product, show the reviews of satisfied customers. You can offer discounts, especially on holidays because people tend to make impulsive purchases during that season.

Abandoned cart results in a huge loss of revenue. The reasons for abandoned carts could be an improper payment gateway, website problems, too high shipping price, or a question regarding the product. To mitigate this loss, you should find the issue that causes cart abandonment carts and reminds them later. In holidays, it is more likely to get converted into purchases. A personalized follow-up email can deliver over 1300% of ROI.

Have a look at this email from Adidas. They have used a humorous tone and made a headline worth the recipient's attention:

Follow Up For Abandoned Cart

Engage With Mobile Customers

The number of customers that are buying goods from mobile devices is on the rise. It necessitates making email campaigns as well as ecommerce stores mobile-friendly. You can hire Marketo developers to make your promotional emails mobile-friendly. You might get astonished to know that over 55% of emails are opened on mobile devices!

Segment And Target Your Customers

Customer segmentation is a tried and tested way to increase customer engagement. Customer segmentation is done to send personalized emails to the subscribers because it is more likely to get opened by subscribers. You can segment the email list considering the geography, age, past purchases, gender, and buying frequency.

Take a look at this email from Casper.

Casper- Make your Bed

They have opted to segment the email list basis on past purchases. They are promoting similar products that a recipient has bought.

Consumers demand customized emails. Fortunately, it is a tried and tested way to increase customer engagement. It is possible only when you accumulate customer data regarding location, name, past purchases, activity on the internet, and recent product viewed. Studies have concluded that an email with a personalized subject line is 26% more likely to get opened by recipients.  

Let Your Customers Know That You Care About Them

When you offer discounts on holidays, allow your loyal customers to take advantage of other customers. You can inform them about this offer via email. This boosts customer loyalty, and word of mouth for your brand spreads; consequently, more people will desire to be your loyal customers. You can use Salesforce email templates for the same purpose. 

Delight your customer with free gift card

A gift is a subtle tactic to increase consumer spending. It encourages them to buy expensive products and, in turn, revenue increases. When loyal customers shop on holidays, send a surprise gift card in their email. This way, customers will remain engaged with your brands for a stretched period. 

Ending Notes

Email marketing has always been about personalization and consistency. They are the same things that drive E-Commerce business as they rely on retargeting and increasing a customer's lifetime value. You can count on email marketing for driving your holiday sales over any other channel as it doesn' cost you an arm and a leg while promising unparalleled access to your customer base. With innovative HTML email templates and the strategies mentioned earlier, you can capitalize on emails to drive sales this holiday season.

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