How web design and web hosting help drive more traffic?


 9 Mar, 2021

How web design and web hosting help drive more traffic?


Websites are basically your salespersons on the internet. Ever since the pandemic, there has been an increase in online businesses. Online marketers have been incorporating several strategies and tactics to increase visibility and rank higher on search engines. No matter what you do, it may not provide immediate results but in due time, you will see progress. Building a website may seem daunting but having a good web design on an excellent hosting platform is exactly what you need to drive traffic and increase website performance.

When building a website, there are several components that are needed for you to be successful as well as have a strong online presence. With the advancement in modern technologies, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in order to be at par with your competitors. In this article, you will learn how web design and web hosting each offer their own benefits that work together in driving in more traffic which leads to conversions.

Why does website design matter?

Your website design is one of the most powerful tools for your website in making a first good impression. It has a direct impact on your website performance and your business. A great website consists of many components which you might have not thought of such as a great design, visuals, layout, colour, fonts, and so much more. Many customers judge your website at the very first glance at it. A good or bad design becomes a deciding factor if whether they want to stay on your site or move on to another site. 

When an online user visits your website, it gives them their first impression of your business. If your website looks unattractive or outdated, your audience will immediately have a negative impression of your business. They won’t find your website appealing which costs you sales and increased bounce rates. Search engines are becoming smarter and intelligent every day, and user experience is one of the key ranking factors. Search engines like Google want to provide the best sites to their online searchers. And if your site does not check all the factors required, you may not be ranked high enough and lose traffic on your site. Make sure that you keep in mind the design so that it provides a good user experience

Why does web hosting matter?

When designing a website, you may be the best at what you do, who even understands the SEO strategies involved in designing, and so on. However, if your business does not have a reliable and excellent web hosting provider, your design won’t be of any help. A web hosting provider is probably one of the most critical components in building your business online. If you are in need of a web host that offers good value, affordable or you are just researching,  has the best review comparisons of some of the best hosting services out there.

Web hosting doesn’t only just affect the way you build your website. It affects the performance of your site as well. Choosing the right web hosting provider will give you great speed, 99% guaranteed uptime, security, support and so much more. When people visit your site and stay on it, it sends positive signals to search engines and reduces bounce rates. A good hosting service optimizes your website so that it can drive in more traffic and increase visibility on search engines. Here what you need to know:

5 Benefits of Web Design and Web Hosting 

  • Speed

Speed is one of the key factors that affect your website performance. If your web page is slow and takes time to load. Your online visitors are more likely to leave your site and move on to one of your competitors. The faster your website loads, it enhances the user experience and can lead to conversions. This also becomes your first impression with your online visitor, so if they like the structure, design and are easy to navigate. It can lead to a sale!

  • SEO Optimized Pages 

Now we all know the importance of SEO in building a business. There are so many ways you can optimize your website to be SEO-friendly such as adding relevant keywords, backlinks, attractive headlines, a mobile-friendly website, page speed and so much more. You can see how many of the points are similar to web designing and web hosting. So the first thing one should do, get familiar with all the best techniques out there to boost your website.

  • Control of your content 

Certain hosting providers do not give you complete access to your server where all your data is stored. Because of this sharing content can be challenging at times. A good hosting service will give you the content of all the content that goes up on your site. You can even share blogs and regular upgrades by yourself. This also means you can strategically place content on your website and adjust your design accordingly. For example, if you want CTA’s prominent on your site. You can place them exactly where you want them.

  • Domain Name and Design 

Domains are usually offered free with professional hosting providers. They are important in growing your brand online. The best of this feature is that you can create personalized emails that match your domain which makes your business more professional. If it is in your interests you can even set a certain tone or layout to match the theme of your site which can be appealing and attractive to your customers.

  • Web Design and Structure 

We now know why a website’s design and structure are important. Choosing a free or little cost web hosting provider will certainly design templates, which may seem like you saving money. However, it can cost you sales and conversions if your website is not attractive or easy to navigate. A good and reliable web hosting service can design your website to match your unique vibe and your services.


Now that you are aware of the importance of having an excellent web host and a great web design. You can optimize your business website to drive in more traffic that can lead to conversions.

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This article is so informative and helpful. Thanks for sharing this type of quality stuff


Peter Wilson

Your blog is really fascinating! I don’t think I’ve ever read anything quite like this.

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