How To Write Good Blog Posts: A Step-By-Step Guide


22 Apr, 2024


When you log in to your electronic device and browse something, you land or see one blog post at least. The internet is crowded with them. Thousands of blogs. Thousands of bloggers, but how many of them actually get traffic? Or are noteworthy. Today, anyone can scribble down anything they want, thanks to the recognition of freedom of expression. But the real deal is how many of them actually know how to write good blog posts. How many of them fulfill the purpose for which they were written?

Writing a blog is an art. Art cannot be learned; it only comes by practicing it more and more. Today we will discuss how to write effective blogs and discuss many nuances related to it and how SEO content writing services can help. The blog will cover the following topics-

  • What is a blog?
  • Top 13 Blog Writing Tips
  • Mistakes to Avoid when Writing a Blog
  • Popular Reasons for which people write blogs
  • Types of Blog Posts
  • How to Increase the Readership of your blog?
  • Conclusion

So, let’s get started

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What is a Blog?

A blog or a weblog as it used to be known as an online diary, journal, or associated collection of thoughts located on the world wide web. Typical content includes text, pictures, videos, animated GIFs, or even scans from old physical offline diaries, journals, and other hard-copy documents. Blogs can be for merely personal use, or they can be used to share information with a limited group or even engage with the public, i.e. they can be either publicly accessible or set private.

"A blog is an informational and regularly updated website consisting of articles, blog posts, published in reverse chronological order"

Blogs made publicly accessible can be typically found through links on other websites, such as the blogger’s personal or business website, social media profiles, or keyword search engines. Blogs can also be set up on dedicated blogging platforms such as Blogger, LiveJournal, Tumblr, and WordPress, which are devoted to the creation, storage, and sharing of blogs and help disseminate the blog.

Blogs can be set up in multiple formats, on one continuous streaming page or posts on individual pages. The contents can be indexed in a list-style format as post title links, excerpts, or related tags. Most blogs are typically set up to display posts in reverse chronological order, with the most recent content appearing first.

Top 13 Blog Writing Tips

It's tough to be a good writer; however, with the help of little practice and a little bit of research, it won’t take too long for you to join the ranks with other great writers. So without further ado, let’s find out how to write blogs and how you could write good blog posts you’ve always dreamt of creating when you first started blogging. 

Here are the top 13 tips for writing a blog before you actually start working on your blog -

1. Understand Your Audience

Before you begin to write blogs, comprehend your target audience well. What would they like to read about? What will impact them? What is their level of understanding about the language you are thinking of writing in? Consider what you think about your purchaser personas and their interests while you’re concocting a subject for your blog entry.

"It's important to know your audience; otherwise, you won't be able to tailor your content accurately or transform a lead into a full-fledged customer."

For instance, if your target audience is school children, come up with the subjects that interest them. If you plan to write something technical, ensure your technical expertise is up to the mark. All in all, have a really good understanding of your audience.

2. Decide How To Host Your Blog

Your blog needs to be hosted somewhere. Make sure you have made those arrangements before diving into the blogging world. You can either partner with a trending website that hosts the type of blogs you plan on writing, or you can sign up for websites that provide domain services for blogs such as WordPress, etc. 

3. Customize Your Blog’s Theme

When you have your blog domain set up, modify the look of your blog to substantially reflect the subject of the substance you plan on creating. Understand that our mind is conditioned to link colors with emotions. If you are writing something related to business, choose the business color themes; if you are writing something about technical issues or tools, choose colors that go well with the technical themes.

If you already manage a website and are writing your first blog post for that website, it’s important that your blog is consistent with this existing website, both in appearance and subject matter. Two things to include right away are:

On the off chance that you, as of now, deal with a site and are composing your first blog entry for that site, it’s critical that your blog is consistent with this current site of yours, both in appearance and in the topic.

Two things to incorporate immediately if you are seeking help to understand how to write good blog posts for business: 

  • Logo- This can either be your name or your business’ name or logo; it helps remind your pursuers who or what is distributing this blog content. How vigorously you need to brand this blog in connection to your principal agenda of blogging is totally dependent upon you. To ensure your brand focuses on new interfaces, closely examine these 40+ logo design examples.

Logos and branding are so important. In a big part of the world, people cannot read French or English, but are great in remembering signs - Karl Lagerfeld

  • “About” Section- If you already have a website, you would probably have an “About” ad spot depicting yourself or your business. Your blog’s “About” area is an augmentation of yourself. Consider it your blog’s statement of purpose, which serves to help your organization’s objectives.

4. Choose A Topic That Interests You

There’s a very popular phrase when you try your hands at blogging: if you are not interested in writing, your reader will definitely not be interested in reading. As a blogger, you should always remember this statement no matter which industry you're working in. Do not venture into writing if it does not interest you. It is one of the most important tips for writing a blog.

5. Research And Organize Your Content In An Outline

At times, blog entries can have a staggering amount of data being published in them. Try to compose the information in a way that does not intimidate your reader. This is one of the most important tips for writing a blog. And there are a lot of ways to do that. You can divide your blog into sections; bright visuals and attractive audio clips can help make it appealing and organized.

If you want to accomplish the task of organizing your blog, you must begin by outlining your blog. You should clearly understand what you want to write and what needs to be covered.

6. Make It Visually Attractive

Do you know that usually, you get only 6 seconds to attract a visitor to your blog to persuade him to read your entire blog? Obviously, the reader is looking forward to information, but you need to entice him visually; therefore, use smart art, images, screenshots, different fonts, etc., when you write blogs. 

7. Hook Your Readers' Attention Using A Great Opening

It is said that if you are able to hook your readers using a great opening, consider that half your work has been done. Because if your introduction isn’t engaging or interesting, readers will not worry about reading the rest of your blog post. 

The majority of blog writers find it convenient to write the blog body first and save writing the introduction for later. 

The best way to write an engaging blog introduction is to probe a question addressing the reader’s pain points. After that, explain how reading your blog could help them resolve their issues or pain points. 

It is a best practice to grab readers’ attention, keep people on your website, and they would certainly want to read the entire blog in the first place with the belief that they will find the solution. 

8. Write Blogs Like You Talk, Make It Conversational

Never ignore your style and tone for effective blogs writing since both can lead to a big difference. 

Conversational writing, or writing just like talking to your target audience, can arouse them as if they’re conversing with you instead of reading the blog. 

Readers will think they’re having one-on-one conversations with you to figure out their pain points to which they can relate. It is helpful for developing a trustworthy relationship. 

9. Make It Easily Scannable

Readers normally don’t read blogs word by word; rather, they scan the blog for the information they’re searching for.

Therefore, it's essential to outline your blog posts in such a way that they can easily scan your blog. This will also help readers to fetch the required information quickly. Thus, they’re most likely to linger around the blog. 

You can use the following ways to make your blog scannable -

  • Make use of Subheadings: Subheadings help readers to find the main topics of your blog post and also help you to keep your blog organized and on track when you are writing blogs. 
  • Avoid writing long sentences: Short sentences are easy to read as long sentences make it hard to understand.
  • Don’t write long paragraphs: When the paragraphs are long, readers find them hard to read. We suggest using 2 to 4 sentences in each paragraph, with a few 1 sentence paragraphs to grab the reader's attention. 
  • Make use of bullet points: Use bullet points whenever you’ve got a list to make it more precise, clear, and simple to understand, as well as scan rather than list things in a single sentence. 

If you follow these tips for writing a blog and make your content visually appealing, your readers are likelier to read the blog until the end. 

10. Make Use Of Images For Visual Engagement

Remember that a simple image can make a boring blog post look more appealing and engaging, i.e., when you fail to explain in words, it can be done using just an image or a screenshot. 

Aside from this, images help break the monotony of text, provide a welcoming break to the reader, and help them engage for a longer period. 

11. Add A Compelling Call to Action

A blog post can’t be successful if that fails to convince the reader to take the next action on the website. So what’s the solution? A compelling call to action button! 

It’ll ask users to: 

  • Sing up for the newsletter,
  • Leave a comment,
  • Share your blog post on their social media,
  • Purchase your products or services.

Add A Compelling Call to ActionAlso, it’s a best practice to include just one compelling CTA so your readers don’t get distracted. 

To make your CTA compelling, imagine yourself in a reader’s shoes and identify the benefits of taking action. Find out what’s beneficial for them. You can also refer to these strategic call-to-action examples that bring more clicks. 

12. Step Up Your SEO Practices

If you think you’ve understood how to write good blogs but fail to get sufficient traffic, you’re missing out on one step! 

You’ll have to step up your SEO content writing strategy to get more traffic to your blog post. Even installing an all-in-one SEO plugin can be helpful in doing a lot of your SEO work. 

Include the target keyword, a title including the target keywords, and a meta title and meta description. Your blog should have more than 300 words. But having said that, we recommend maintaining your word count up to 1000. 

Additionally, your images in the blog post should be optimized properly, i.e., ensure their size is perfect and has alt text and categories before publishing them. 

13. Publish Your Blog At The Right Time

Now, get ready to publish your blog!

The last step is to proofread your blog to yourself, as it helps you find mistakes and allows you to rectify them before hitting the publish button. Quickly read over your blog for spelling and formatting errors but give too much time. 

Always publish your blog at a peak time. according to the study, it's best to publish between 8:00 am to 10:00 am on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday as per East Coast USA time. 

And this is how to write good blogs! Not much difficult, isn’t it? Keep following these easy steps, and you can master the art of writing engaging and innovative blog posts!

Let’s now discuss, 

Mistakes To Avoid While Writing A Blog

Majority of the blog traffic is compelled organically - simply put - customers search for something on a search engine and click on your blog if it matches their expected topic. But having said that, several businesses are competing to attract more audiences. Therefore, avoiding the most common mistakes is necessary to outshine your competitors. 

Here are a few things you cannot do while writing a blogMistakes To Avoid While Writing A Blog

1. Set Unrealistic Goals

You know your timetable and capacities better than any other person on this planet, so don’t endeavor to post each day on the off chance that you can’t. Begin by posting week after week and get a score. As you streamline your procedure, increment your posting in the event that you can. 

2. Limit Your Word Count

On the off chance that you have a comment, say it. Visitors (and web indexes) want to get meatier pieces (500 words or more) to make their navigation worth their time. This doesn’t mean you can’t include shorter blogs or that you should meander around just to meet a word count, yet don’t hesitate to antiquate perceptions that the blogs should be short. At the point when the time is correct, write lengthy blogs. 

3. You Cannot Make Grammar Mistakes

On the off chance that you have committed grammatical errors, rectify them instantly. People in the virtual world tend to be more permissive about grammatical errors, so don’t worry about it if you commit an error. Be that as it may, redress it when you can. Keep in mind, on the off chance that you ever need your readers to consider you important; you need to take yourself (and your blog) seriously and level up your writing skills, including the grammar. You will have to deliver the expertise that it demands. 

4. Be Negative

You should generally not criticize or review bad things about other bloggers or web-based material unless it is the subject line of your blog. You need to support your fellow bloggers, as it will take you a long in the field. 

5. Write Long Paragraphs

Reading long blocks of content is hard for readers to process, particularly when they are reading on PCs and tablets. Sort your content into shorter sections, visual cues, and records at whatever point conceivable, likewise, in the event that you can work in a few subsections too. 

6. Avoid Trying New Things

It’s essential to give your blog a chance to advance after some time, and the main way this can happen is that you need to go a little off-beat every now and then. People don’t want monotony. They like changes and eccentricity. You don’t have to try something out of your comfort zone but must experiment with what you already have.

Now that you’ve understood how to write good blogs and which mistakes to avoid let’s briefly discuss the types of blog posts and why people write blogs. 

Types Of Blog Posts

Blog posts can be standalone pieces or parts of a longer series. Also, blog posts come in a variety of formats that you can consider before writing a blog:Types Of Blog Posts

1. How-To

While writing a how-to blog post, the blogger needs to explain the steps the reader requires to take to accomplish a task. For example - Recipe blog posts.

2. List-baseds

List-based is also known as a “Listicle,” a blend of list and article; a list-based blog post is one that’s organized as a list of related entries, including historical events, images, and intriguing facts. You can find list-based on lots of blogs such as BuzzFeed.

3. News article

A news article blog post links to a trending news article and serves the blogger’s thoughts on that news article. It includes multiple factors such as insights built upon, neglected about, agree or disagree with the information covered in the NEWS article.

4. Interview

In the Interview type of post, the blogger introduces a person they’ve and serves some background information about the interviewee and their work. Following this is a transcript of the interview which is sometimes distributed with additional information written by the bloggers.

5. Review

In a review post, the blogger reviews a movie, video game, book products etc. These posts are well-known examples of blogs that focus on product review posts. That can focus on one product or piece of media or it can be structured like a list-based post.

6. Personal

Writing a personal blog post means, where the author discusses their personal exposures, thoughts, and/or opinions. Well, usually you will find these types of posts on personal blogs rather than corporate or professional blogs.
However, a professional blogger who generally publishes other types of blog posts might publish personal blog posts instantly to build a more personal connection with readers.

7. Explainer

Writing an explainer blog post is similar to a how-to blog post in that it provides a thorough, objective explanation of a certain topic. Moreover, the difference is that this type of blog post isn’t necessarily presented in a linear, step-by-step format and does not necessarily explain how to accomplish any task.

These blog posts might explain the social and economic trends that led to a particular event or a topic's basics. Most of the time, blogs publish lengthy explainer posts that aim to serve you with comprehensive overviews of their topics. Explainer blog posts are usually labeled as the “ultimate guide.”

8. Image-based

As the name implies, an image-based blog post is a post that focuses majorly on images. The image-based post could be an infographic, or it could be a post including various images. No matter which it is, it includes at least some copy to give the reader some context for the images. That makes it a successful blog post, not an image gallery.

Popular Reasons for which People write Blogs

Here are a few reasons for which people write blogs, and they will also help you understand “how to write a blog post fast”-

1). You’ll Become A Better Writer. 

Writing, just like most other communication skills, improves with practice. At its core, writing blogs is a way of communication. It is about recording thoughts on paper and compelling others to agree with them. While blogging will not automatically make you a better writer, you will become better the more you write. You will find yourself better able to put thoughts to words and write in a manner that engages the reader. And becoming a better writer can help you in a myriad of ways, both personal and professional.

2). You’ll Become A Better Thinker. 

Blogging encourages you to think. The process of writing a blog  inspires you to stop and think, delving deep into your life and the worldview that shapes it. Because the writing process includes recording thoughts on paper, blogging encourages you to stop and think deeper.

3). You’ll Live A More Intentional Life.

Writing about your life and the thoughts that revolve around you and shape you inevitably leads to self-discovery. You start thinking about who you are, where you are headed, who you are becoming, and whether you like what you see. This is the best answer for “how to write a blog post template.”

4). You’ll Develop An Eye For Meaningful Things.

One cannot write about every single stray thought or event that happens in their life. Blogging forces you to choose, helps define and articulate what has impacted you the most and decide what thoughts are meaningful.

Blogging is a never-ending process of choosing to articulate the most meaningful events and the most important thoughts. Blogging helps you develop a personal filter for meaningful things, some of which might even be quite mundane to others.

5). It’ll Lead To Healthier Life Habits

Blogging regularly is something that requires time and devotion, making you more disciplined and prone to follow up on commitments. Blogging is also an act of self-discovery, allowing new life habits to emerge in your life – helping you get the most out of your days.

6). You’ll Meet New People

Once you start engaging online, you will be surprised at how quickly you meet people and form meaningful relationships. Be it comments, e-mails, or social media the blogging community is friendly, encouraging and a great place to find new friends

7). You’ll Make Some Money. 

Depending on the number of readers; blogs may also be a good opportunity to monetize. Blogging can be an excellent source to make some extra money on the side and can even be your primary source of income if the blog is sufficiently popular. Income generated from blogging generally does not correspond to the amount of work put in; it is passive and dependent on viewership, sometimes generating income even after a substantial lapse after the blog's publication.

8). You’ll Become More Well-Rounded In Your Mindset. 

One of the greatest benefits of blogging is receiving feedback and input from your readers. It allows you to open a discussion on a topic you feel is significant and meaningful. The comments and responses from your readers often challenge your worldview, forcing you to take a fresh look at the topic you felt significant enough to write about. One of the biggest differences between blogging and traditional publishing is the opportunity for readers to offer input and shape the conversation.

winning blog post

How to Increase the Readership of your Blog?

Writing effective blogs does not make a difference until and unless it gets a proper readership. Here are a few tips on that-

Readership of your Blog1). Improve Your Blog’s Loading Time

Getting to the top of page ranking in search engines such as Google can be an important factor in your blog’s visibility. These days most search engines consider page load times an important metric when ranking sites. Also, these days readers expect sites to load in two seconds or less; and a considerable drop in repeat viewership has been observed for slower sites. The easiest way to reduce your blog’s loading time is to reduce the number of plugins used. Endeavor to remove all add-ons that are not strictly necessary as they often make your site slow and sluggish. Prefer using all in one plugin such as Jetpack if possible. Another source of loading delay is images, consider compressing the images or having them load conditionally as the viewer scrolls down. Alternatively, use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) such as Cloudflare or Incapsula to collocate your content on faster servers closer to your readers.

2). Make Social Sharing Easy

Recent studies have shown that enabling easy sharing on top social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter via social media buttons on posts leads to seven times more mentions. Use short magnetic headlines that can be easily accommodated on platforms with a word limit such as Twitter and consider including hashtags or usernames when appropriate

3). Come Up With The Optimum Number Of Posts, Then Stick To It

It is essential to find the sweet spot in the ideal number of posts on a weekly or monthly basis. Research has shown that the more blog posts in a month, the more traffic it attracted. However, too many posts can lead to readers unsubscribing to get away from constant notifications. This is one of the most important content marketing tips. Watch your subscriber activity closely; if you are getting too many unsubscribe requests because of excessive posting, consider cutting back.

4). Start A Forum On Your Website

Active forum threads on your blog serve to build up an engaged community of readers and also helps drive new traffic to your blog due to the backlink and natural long tail keywords that go into forum posts. Look for forums in your niche and create accounts on the best ones using your brand name as the nickname. Study the forum activity carefully before contributing and possibly making a dedicated thread for your blog.

5). Respond To Your Blog Comments Thoughtfully

Not only is it ideal from an SEO perspective to accumulate more words on your page, but responding to your comments keeps readers engaged and invested in your posts. This boosts repeat traffic and drives up readership. Readers look forward to new posts and even become subscribers to keep updated.


Breathe! I know our discussion was lengthy. Relax, take in all that you have read so far. Do not be overwhelmed. Just begin with practicing a few things at a time and with shorter blogs. 

Rome was not built in one day. You cannot become a master of blogging by a wave of a wand. Practice, Read, Repeat! I am sure that will take you a long way!

Have you ever written a blog that went viral or brought you heaps of excellent results? We’d be happy to hear about it! Feel FREE to share your experience of Blog writing as a blogger or reader via your comments in the comment section below! If you still have questions related to the blog or anything specifically blog-related, reach out to the best content marketing services and SEO writing services provided by JanBask Digital Design.

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1. What is the key to writing a blog post fast?

Building repeatable processes is the key to writing a blog post faster. Because it helps you move forward and doesn’t let you get bogged down in more details. You can also make use of a timer to keep yourself on track. 

2.How long should it take to write a blog post?

By following the right steps, you can create effective blogs in approximately 45 mins, together with research and writing. It's all related to a strong blog outline and sticking to the point.  

3. What tools can I use to write blog posts faster?

Various tools are available in the market like Ubbersuggest, which helps you to research your blog topic, do competitive research, get ideas, etc. 

4.How long of a blog post can I write in under 60 minutes?

Using proper writing steps, research and focus you could easily write 1500 to 2000-word blog posts in under an hour.

5.What are some effective tips for writing blogs?

Here are some of the most effective tips for writing blogs

  • Select your blog topic
  • Create an outline
  • Step up search engine optimization (seo)
  • Write content that is easily scannable
  • Describe your point with images
  • Read and re-read
  • Use Social Media

6. What makes your blog successful?

    Your blog post should add value to your readers by solving their problems. This is the best way to drive high-quality readers to your website and make them want to return. 

    7. When should I start writing blogs?

    The sooner you start writing your blog, the better it will be. Because the sooner you get on the web, the sooner you can begin to shape your blog since it's an organic process. Also, your blogs will need time to build as you add new posts and content. 

    8. What should my blog be about?

    It is the most commonly asked question, and the simple way is to pick something that you really enjoy and are passionate about, and you can blog about it for a long period of time. 

    9. Will the content provided by your SEO writing services be SEO friendly?

    Yes, it’ll be SEO-friendly. Our content writers will create keyword-rich copy for your website without damaging the quality of your content. Our content writing agency will help you drive more traffic to your website. 

    10. Why is content writing important?

    Other than any other technology, users like consistent, engaging, and highly relevant content. Content writing lets your business develop close-knit pieces of information. Your website will benefit from content creation efforts if you provide unique, and distinct voice, writing tone, and style throughout your mediums. 

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    I really appreciate thisarticle thanks for sharing. very helpful to. keep sharing and to know more click future of blogging


    jason james

    I really appreciate this article thanks for sharing. very helpful to.



    I read this post so nice and very informative post ,thanks for sharing this post


    Omar Moore

    he tips and strategies for writing good blog posts are clear and actionable. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights!


    Titus Perry

    The tips are straightforward and practical, making it easy for anyone to enhance their writing skills.

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