Law Firm SEO Strategies: It’s Time To Digitize Your Law Services



15 Mar, 2024



Search engine optimization (SEO) is now essential to expanding your practice and keeping your competitive edge in a congested market, according to law firm SEO experts content marketing.

If you're not already doing so, you're probably reading this post because you've seen the writing on the wall and realize that your law firm SEO data is the brain of your legal marketing plan.

The fundamental idea behind law firm SEO is straightforward: Increase your law firm's online visibility by utilizing tried-and-true methods to appear higher in search results. 

These strategies include everything from law firm SEO experts' content marketing that establishes you as an authority figure to more technical activities like making sure your website's structure and code are properly optimized.


Even though law firm SEO services might be expensive, it's a crucial component of the SEO marketing tool and marketing mix for businesses operating in the highly competitive legal industry. But there are difficulties even with the best SEO for law firms: The lack of transparency or the inability to raise search engine results may irritate some law firms that use outside SEO firms. 

A shortage of qualified candidates skilled in copywriting, Local SEO, and link building may be encountered by those attempting to manage SEO for lawyers in-house. 

These are all distinctive qualities that are unusually hard to find in a single person and hence you need the best SEO for law firms. This ultimate guide to SEO for lawyers can assist you in realizing the return on your investment, regardless of whether you fit into one of those categories or are new to SEO.

Consider the following while hiring SEO for law firm websites:

  • What Is An Attorney SEO Strategy?
  • SEO For Law Firm Websites

Looking for Experts to Strategies your Law Firm SEO?

  • Increase Website Traffic & Get Leads
  • Drive Customer Engagement
  • Reach Potential Audience
  • Drive Online Leads & Sales

What Is An Attorney SEO Strategy?

For your legal business to draw in the proper clients and continue to produce content that will engage and eventually convert your audience, a thorough attorney SEO strategy is essential.

Since 75% of internet users never navigate past the first page of search results, it is essential your SEO for law firm websites help you to stay on page one. 

Being on page one of search engine results can offer law firms various advantages, including: 

  • Increasing organic website traffic
  • increasing lead generation
  • Increasing clientele inside your legal office
  • keeping a competitive edge in the legal sector
  • Increasing your investment's return (ROI)

SEO For Law Firm Websites

It is necessary to carry out SEO for lawyers on your website to:

  • Index the pages correctly
  • Get your indexed pages to rank high in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) such that your potential customers can easily find you.

Google uses a complex algorithm to rank pages for keywords. You must optimize your website in such a way that not only adheres to Google's continuously changing guidelines if you want to succeed in its rankings. 

Simultaneously, a good law firm SEO agency can help you to effectively provide customers and potential customers the information they seek. It is equally important to prioritize law firm website design to tap the audience.

Looking to Create Your Law Firm Websites?

  • Well-optimized landing pages
  • Strong & visible CTA
  • An intuitive website layout

Here are a few SEO tips to boost your law firm website:

Begin SEO for lawyers with keyword research

The best law firm SEO provider in 2022 would agree that finding relevant, highly trafficked, and competitively manageable keywords to employ on your website is part of this process.

Utilizing specialized tools and methods, keyword research involves learning how people are looking for the legal services you offer. Although some keyword programs allow some degree of free usage, the most complex ones often cost money.

Because of this, think about paying for a subscription or hiring a law firm SEO company that specializes in SEO for lawyers to conduct your keyword research. Check out any law firm SEO pros and cons for these tools as another short-term solution. Because SEO is a long-term undertaking, as per SEO companies for law firms. 

This tool comprises:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush
  • KWFinder
  • Wordtracker
  • SpyFu

Highly targeted keywords with consistent to good traffic and moderate levels of competition are what we look for as a law firm SEO expert. This last criterion is the reason you wouldn't simply try to rank for simply "attorney".

You must consider the business intent of keywords when you perform your research. Despite having less traffic than other terms you might find, terms with business intent have two benefits:

With these terms, your ranking will be easier.

People are looking for services rather than simply information, thus they convert at a far higher rate.

Additionally, SEO companies for law firms propose that you should look for keywords with a study focus. Since individuals hunt for solutions to difficulties using these terms, these frequently begin with "why" or "how." 

It makes sense to employ content based on these keywords in content types including blog posts, white papers, case studies, and videos. Getting your law firm in front of these searchers makes sense as a lead-nurturing approach even though they might not be quite ready for legal services. 

Here, producing high-quality information is important: More links and shares are typically generated by educational or informative content, which are ranking variables we'll examine next.

One of the best SEO tips to boost your law firms website is that after conducting your research, you can develop a strategy based on the keywords you discovered, track its effectiveness, and make adjustments as necessary.


Creating relevant content that is superior to that of your rivals by increasing length, making it easy to read Linking to reliable sources to establish its authenticity, and curating varied content types such as images, graphics, videos, etc. 

Website Optimization

The best law firm SEO company admits that you are required to have a responsive site design as a minimum requirement. At JanBask Digital Design, we prioritize law firm SEO services and simultaneously, the important components of website optimization:

SEO-Friendly Site Structure

SEO for law firms knows a key component of creating a website that is search engine friendly is how your site is structured and where your content is placed within the architecture of your website. 

Your website should be laid out and organized so that users may quickly discover the information they require. Place the services section far to the left in the main navigation bar so that potential customers may locate it as quickly as possible.

Although it can be tempting to place your About Us link at the top of the menu, SEO for law firms recommend practice pages should appear first for both user experience and SEO reasons. These are the pages you want to rank highly on search engines, and making them more visible in the navigation gives search engines more authority signals.


Users first visit the practice pages, followed by the attorney profiles and about us pages, according to our research into the click patterns of numerous client websites.

Law firm SEO experts can find exceptional approaches to deliver a top-notch user experience (UX) across your website. People will feel more at ease using your website and are more likely to spend more time browsing it if it is simple to use.

A few tips from a law firm SEO agency for user experience:

  • Usually, visitors who reach your website from organic SEO don't land on the home page first. Instead, consumers access your website through the page that has the best keyword performance. This calls for you to think of every page of your website as a potential entrance to the rest of it and as the representation of your legal company online.
  • Consider where pages should go whenever you add them, with simplified simplicity being a big plus. Adding too many pages to the navigation menu is a mistake that lawyers frequently make since it could erode the authority that flows to service pages. Instead, to delve deeper into a topic, we advise adding sidebar navigation components to particular pages.

Optimize URLs

Use keywords sparingly in each URL on your site based on the keyword research you've done. As just one illustration, we've observed certain property lawyers who use the term "personal property" in every URL on their websites. They might use as an illustration.

That transitions from using keywords to stuffing them, which might hinder rather than help your SEO efforts. would be a more appropriate URL for the about us page. This is a preferable option because this page is about your legal company as a whole rather than about a specific service you provide, like personal property.

Any SEO strategy for a legal business should include a blog. Google uses a "freshness" ranking indicator that gives sites with frequently updated content higher results. You can target search phrases that are more focused on research by writing blog entries. 

While your service pages won't be able to rank for these search terms due to their high volume of traffic, they're ideal for blog posts.


To apply the preceding example again, there are currently 90 searches each month for the phrase "can I sue an insurance firm." By publishing a blog article with the heading "How to Sue an Insurance Firm if You've Been Asked for Unwanted Claims," you may target this search keyword. The first how-to on the list should be the suggestion to engage an attorney.

Pro Tips for long-form blogs:

  • Long-form articles establish you as the authority.
  • They typically have higher rankings and are more noticeable online.
  • People frequently interact with them more deeply, which raises engagement numbers.
  • Social media users frequently share long-form content.
  • These articles frequently receive more inbound links.

Both information for those who are less knowledgeable about the issue and information for those who are can be included.

Core Web Vitals

Since Google now uses Core Web Vitals as a recognized ranking element, it may also affect the SEO of your legal firm.

Attorneys can use Core Web Vitals, which consists of three crucial ranking signals, to gauge the usability of their law firm website. The scores for these indicators will be either good, require improvement, or terrible.

After a bad user experience, 88% of users are less likely to visit the same website again.

Your law firm SEO provider in 2022 is likely to concentrate on: 

  • The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric gauges how quickly a website loads. Google advises having an LCP occur within the first 2.5 seconds on each page of your website.
  • First Input Delay (FID) counts the number of milliseconds it takes a user to interact with your website. Google advises aiming for an FID of under 100 milliseconds as a best practice.
  • The visual stability of your website is measured by cumulative layout shift (CLS). According to Google, websites with a CLS score of less than 0.1 provide the best user experiences.

Page Speed

For many years, page speed has been a ranking criterion for desktop searches, and it is now a ranking element for mobile searches. According to Google, pages that "provide the slowest experience to users" will suffer from SEO consequences. 

But at a law firm SEO agency, we think that everyone needs to maintain page-speed factors at the forefront of their minds. Visitors to your website are impatient, even if your speed is sufficient for Google. 

Someone who genuinely needs to hire a lawyer may leave your site if it takes too long for the pages to load and go to one of your competitors.

Additionally, if your pages are among the slow-loading pages, you risk losing your Google ranking and losing potential customers to your rival's website. We've done a thorough dive into page speed here if you're interested in learning more. 

You can hire law firm SEO services to analyze page speed and tips to improve it. 

On-Page Considerations- Keyword Usage On Page

You can incorporate your keywords in the body copy as well if it flows well and naturally. However, law firm SEO services suggest avoiding overusing them because it can backfire. Your prospects of ranking highly with that post are essentially destroyed by the possibility that Google would view it as a spammy copy. 

One additional thing to think about, which was hinted at in the part regarding the services landing page: Linking between pages on your website might be useful for giving site users access to more pertinent information. 

If you incorporate keywords into or close to the link, this SEO strategy small business is referred to as internal linking—can benefit your SEO efforts.


Great content is now more important than ever if you want your law firm's website to rank well on Google. What else is necessary, besides the home page?

First and foremost, you should have a landing page that summarizes the services your clinic provides and links to separate pages for each of your specializations. You may, for instance, have a page outlining the general services offered by your law business and the benefits of hiring you. 

Then, on that services page, include links to pages outlining how you may help victims of auto accidents, as well as those outlining services for victims of truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, wrongful deaths, and so forth.


Include high-level keywords that customers use to search for those services on your services page, using geo-modifiers when appropriate. Make it simple for people to contact you online, by email, by phone, and by any other means, you provide by including clear calls to action on each page.

On-Site Backend Optimization

Although back-end tags aren't visible to site visitors when they visit your website, they are a crucial part of any attorney SEO strategy. Here's how it functions.

Note when you search divorce lawyers, given that it can now recognize most synonyms, Google will still offer results for "attorney" even though the search term includes the word "lawyer." The state (IA) and city are also included in the URL. It is clear how Google matches the URL to the searcher's purpose when serving up a result.


Title tags and meta descriptions are simple to add to your posts with WordPress plugins. The meta description tag has a character limit of 160 while the title tag has a character limit of roughly 60. Adding more could prevent it from appearing in the SERPs, which would be harmful.


As per law firm SEO, this is an additional type of HTML markup that you can apply to any address information and the name of your legal company on your website. 

You must implement the proper format for reviews on your website. Google might give you a review snippet in return if you do this. If you have any issues or need assistance, our services for SEO for law firms can guide you in using law firm schema which is more difficult than adding meta descriptions and title tags in your website’s backend.

Local SEO Services For Law Firms

You must optimize your unique locations if you want to use local SEO and local SEO services for law firms can assist you in this process. To rank highly for your local audience, this means that if you have many office locations, each one should have a separate, optimized page on your website.

If you are more successful in this than your rivals, Google's SERPs will show your company in the coveted three-pack.

Let's conduct some reverse engineering to boost your local search rankings. Put creating or claiming your Google Business Profile (GBP) listing at the top of your list if you haven't already done so. You must have a precise and comprehensive GBP listing. 

As per local SEO services for law firms we recommend verifying that listing once you've created or claimed yours. 

Even if you have a fantastic website, you still need to have a comprehensive and correct GBP listing. As per Google, "You can enhance your local business presence among the right audience with your Google Business Profile.” 

Your business profile might assist clients in finding you if you operate a company that provides services at a specific location or within a specified service region. Google-verified companies are twice as likely to be taken seriously.

The name, address, and phone (NAP) information on your website and in the supporting schema must exactly match the GBP information. Local SEO services for law firms immediately understand why errors are so bothersome if you imagine it as the Yellow Pages of the digital age.

Reviews play an integral role as per local SEO services for law firms. 

Simply request clients that you believe are happy with your services, without requesting a favorable review. Here's how to make a special link that will direct these customers to the review-writing page.

google business stats

Never post a false review or prod others to do so. No team members from your legal firm should submit one, and you should never criticize one of your rivals. Make a plan for how you'll respond to any critical feedback you get, and don't only address the bad ones. 

Local SEO services for law firms can be helpful if you're new to local SEO for lawyers or aren't receiving the results you need from your existing local SEO provider. 

Local SEO services for law firms concentrate on tried-and-true best practices, and we've assisted law firms just like yours in improving their rankings and ROI. One of our areas of expertise is local SEO for lawyers, and we've even won local SEO awards along the way.

Link Building

Law firm SEO pros and cons include high-quality backlinks, also known as inbound links, that originate on another website and point to yours to run a very successful legal SEO campaign. 

If you want your website to rank highly on Google, SEO for law firms recommends inbound links must be pertinent and come from a variety of domains.

The best-practice off-site SEO for law firm websites is link building. When your link profile is strong, Google will view your website as trustworthy and will reward you in the rankings. Being cited on online news sites is another approach to gaining inbound links. At sites like HARO, ProfNet, and others, you may keep an eye on reporters' requests for information. 


Another essential component is producing high-quality, pertinent content; for this reason, we referred to your blog as a linkable asset. People frequently link to your material when you offer them something they want to share.

Take Away

As a law firm SEO agency, we suggest you measure your SEO performance when you integrate SEO strategies into your law firm's digital marketing strategy. This can involve tracking the rate at which your site's traffic grows, the most popular pages on your site, the quantity and caliber of inbound links to your site, and more. 

Google Analytics and Google Search Console contain a variety of data, allow you to track your DA score, and much more. Make good baseline reports and follow-up reports every month. As you gain additional insight from your outcomes, keep making adjustments to your plan.

Connect with law firm SEO specialist at JanBask Digital Design for more information.

Check our SEO services to Reach Potential Audiences.

  • Custom SEO Services for Every Business
  • Drive Customer Engagement
  • Keyword Research & Strategy

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Cristian Torres

Based on this article, I tried implementing local SEO for my firm and it helped my small legal firm.


Cruz Peterson

This content and SEO strategy for law firms is very effective.


Kairo Gray

Thanks for sharing this article.


Dante Ramirez

It is great to know that your company has so much knowledge on this topic.


Atticus James

How can I set my Google Business Profile? Can your business help me with it?


Killian Watson

Appreciate your assistance in helping us with an SEO strategy.

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