What is Sales Conversion Funnel? Way to Increase Sales Conversion Funnel


23 Apr, 2024



Sales funnel provides a map to you to attract potential customers. If you want to have a sales path that can attract more customers or can convert leads then the Sales conversion funnel can be the best choice for you. The sales conversion funnel or conversion funnel term is derived from eCommerce. This blog is all about conversion funnel; here we are going to discuss conversion funnel, an introduction to conversion funnel, and the ways to optimize the funnel to increase organizational profits.

What is Sales Conversion Funnel?

What is Sales Conversion Funnel?

Conversion Funnel is the processor task to convert a website visitor to a sales lead. The path that your user takes to reach your site and is then converted to a sales lead is known as a conversion process. Representing this complete process through a funnel is known as a conversion funnel. Initially, the traffic is higher but due to many reasons, it gradually decreases, and as a result of which only a small fraction of users are converted to a sales leads.

sample conversion funnel

Stages of Conversion Sales funnel

A number of factors can be responsible for this sales drop off like disconnection between ad and service listed on your landing page or any technical reason. The complete process conversion can be divided into below-listed four stages:               

Stages of Conversion Sales funnel

1). Awareness

This step is focused on pulling visitors and is done by increasing product, service, or business awareness among various customers. Here you should determine the exact sources of current quality traffic that can help you in taking better and informed decisions. Today, businesses rely upon attracting customers by target marketing and for that, they use social media, advertising, and other online marketing tactics

Interested in Boosting Sales? Optimize Your Funnel!

  • Increased Sales
  • Enhanced Customer Insights
  • Improved Customer Journey

2). Interest

When you attract site visitors then your task is to increase their interest in your site, product, or service. For this some of the tricks that can help you are irresistible offers, engaging content, and attractive visuals. You can also offer some free services like newsletters, free shipping or some discounts for the service that can help you in gauging customer interest. 

3). Aspiration

The next step to engaging the customer and building their trust is to help them in learning more about your product in an easy manner. The visitors that reach this stage of conversion are considered the most qualified leads and need to be nurtured so that they can become your actual lead. You can also take the help of email workflow campaigning and send them personalized content-specific emails, in this way you can keep them engaged and encourage them to come back to your site.

4). Action

This is the final and valuable stage of the sales funnel, as so far, your customer was just traveling through the upper funnel stages and taking smaller actions like signing up for your newsletter or downloading an eBook, which is known as micro conversions, now your ultimate goal is to persuade the purchase journey of your most valuable customer and convert it to the lead. In case the visitors churn at this conversion stage then it does mean that your lead nurturing tactics are not doing well.

You can map out all funnel stages and know the exact number of site visitors that are reaching the final stage after visiting your website. Even small improvements in each stage can significantly impact and improve the sale. By understanding the exact customer need you can also optimize your conversion funnel. In the next section of this article we are going to discuss some of the effective ways to optimize the conversion funnel:

Sales Conversion Funnel

Top 3 Ways to Increase Sales Conversion Funnel

Now as you have understood what is the sale funnel and how you can increase sales by using it? As far as sales funnel optimization is concerned then, for now, we can break it into three parts

  • Upper Level
  • Middle Level
  • Lower Level

Here, each level of the funnel has a separate function, as the upper-level sales funnel is for attracting new visitors, while the middle-level funnel is responsible for converting customers to qualified leads and the lower-level funnel is responsible for macro conversions or purchasing. Here the complete process has a different function so must be optimized in a different way, for this for each funnel level you should deploy different marketing tactics.

Increase Conversion Sales Funnel By Upper-Level

The upper-level funnel is mainly concerned with attracting more customers or to generate more traffic for the site. Here you can evaluate the conversion funnel performance by checking the website traffic. In case you are only getting junk traffic that has no interest in your product or service then it means that your sales funnel is not optimized properly and you should focus on optimizing the upper level of your sales funnel.

Increase Conversion Sales Funnel By Upper-Level

Following Ways And Tricks Help You In This Regard:

  • Optimize keywords for display ads and paid searches
  • Optimize and target your social media ads including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter
  • Creation of keyword-rich and optimized content like blogs, infographics, guides, eBooks, videos, etc.
  • Use social media power for traffic generation

In this way, you can identify and know your target customers and reach them or generate exact and required traffic for your website.

Increase Conversion Sales Funnel By Middle-Level

Through your upper-level funnel optimization, you have reached your target customers and caught their attention, especially those who have landed on your site. By middle funnel, you can build the trust of your prospects and also demonstrate your product benefits. You may have to take different paths to prove your loyalty and take them to the next level of your conversion funnel.

Conversion Sales Funnel By Middle-Level

So, now you can use multiple tools and techniques here like product reviews, testimonials, community forums, case studies, marketing campaigns, price comparison charts, and others. By understanding the customer's mindset and his expectations you can successfully take him to the next level of your funnel. So, you can run surveys or collect feedback reports to know the exact customer expectation.

Increase Conversion Sales Funnel By Lower Level

Now your customer has been dribbled to the last stage of your funnel, now you should try to pull them to the last funnel stage or level. You are guiding them throughout their purchase journey right from starting the awareness up to product purchasing; now if you will let them go back then it will be your great loss. You can check the success of your funnel by ensuring that your one-time buyers or customers are coming back to your site and making a purchase or not.

You must have maximum customer data and then try to provide them with more personalized and targeted services. In this way, you can increase their interest and make their purchase journey guided without losing interest.

Your sales cycle is inconsistent and unreliable if it is not optimized properly. Try to be scientific and strategic in optimizing your sales funnel. Even below-listed practices can also help you in generating qualified leads for your business organization. Apart from the above-listed way try to adopt these practices to generate maximum leads:

  • Customer Segmentation: Identify and study your customer and their requirements. Learn about them and your service. Make sure that you are providing them with proper service.
  • Assess your Services to Their Expectation: You must revisit your service or product and ask them why they have chosen you continually. Try to know your qualified leads properly for having an optimized sales funnel.
  • Try to get adjusted: If you want to be successful, then be ready to adjust the service as per customer requirements. It does not mean that you should change your product completely; instead, you can do little experiments to provide customer-oriented services.
  • Use Sales Metrics Power: It requires a specialized approach to generate a substantial return on your investment. It is the sales database and CFRM that can help you in determining the exact customer behavior and expectation. It is only customer data that can help you in determining the exact result of your efforts. So, use it for every stage of your conversion funnel.

Apart from the above-listed points, you should also follow the below-listed practices to track and analyze the performance of your sales funnel:

  • Total number of available contacts
  • Contacts needed now and in the future as per the absorption rate of your service
  • The average length of your current and expected sales cycle
  • Desired communication frequency

With these strategies and practices, your approach can become more calculated and targeted. In this way, you can improve the performance of your sales funnel and generate more leads and traffic.

Final Words

You should know that the conversion funnel is not a static process instead of an ongoing cycle. The process may always require some changes and cannot be the same each time. Some techniques that may be working today may not be fruitful tomorrow. These practices cannot guarantee successful and complete customer conversion but help you in making their buying journey fruitful.

Want to Improve your Sales Conversion Rate?
  • Identify the Loopholes
  • Convert visitors into Potential Buyers
  • Engaging Your Audience
  • Build Your Buyer Personas

JanBask - Author

A Specialized Team for custom web solutions for your business through Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing Services such as SEO, Social Media Marketing.

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