How To Increase Your Sales Online? (+10 Web Design Tips)


23 Apr, 2024



Do you know that there are an estimated 12 million – 24 million active eCommerce sites worldwide, with more being created every day? These numbers make transparent how competitive this market is & how hard it could be to stand out. Positioning yourself as a credible brand and churning profits isn't easy in such a dynamic environment.

So, what can help you stand out in this crowded online space? The answer is an outstanding "User-experience" that you can deliver through an advanced, user-friendly website. A website is a potent marketing tool; it's the face of your online business. You can't treat your business website as an afterthought. Invest in building a website that connects your online business to the right audience and builds your credibility. Getting professional assistance from a trusted website design company can help you gain an edge in a highly competitive market.

This blog will help you maximize your online sales with the best and most result-oriented website design tweaks.

Let’s get started…

Web Design Sales Tricks to 10X Your ROI

An eCommerce site offers you a great opportunity to build & extend your brand, connect with your customers, and achieve good conversion—but only if you’ve got the rightly designed website. Here are the proven eCommerce web design tips that make your website sales-driven.

Major ecommerce challenges


1. Build Your Brand With The Right Web Design

Everything on your website, from colors and fonts to the words and layout, represents your brand. Making these brand elements consistent across your website will give rise to your brand’s authority, build trust with your audiences, and inspire them to convert faster. Consistent branding is crucial for the brand; here are the best designing practices for consistent branding:

Consistent Color Theme 

Colors not only elicit emotions and feelings but also convey specific information. And each color has its meaning. For example, blue shows trustworthiness, orange stands for playfulness; green is synonymous with nature, red is passion, etc.

 You can go with the color theme that resonates with your brand image and let your customers form an initial impression. When catering to the international market, think of a universally accepted color; if you have a B2B website, go for a versatile color like “Blue”; if you are a luxury brand, “Black” represents modernity, power luxury. 

Maintain Consistency in Design

Consistency makes you memorable and different. Whether it's consistency in brand message, offering, or the website's look, use the same color, graphics, formatting, and emotions throughout the website. Consistency in the website enhances your website performance as well. Similar graphics and videos will make your site load quickly and offer a better user experience. 

Well-Placed Logo

Your logo should speak for your brand legacy. Along with the design, it is equally important how well the logo is placed on the website. Always put the logo in the website's upper left corner as visitors are habitual to looking for the logo in the very left corner. Maintain the same position on all the landing pages as well. 

Get your business logo designed by professionals designers. All these web design practices can help you boost your branding efforts for long-term business growth. 

2. Web Design That Reduces Cart Abandonment Rate

Shopping cart abandonment is a process when a potential customer starts a checkout process on an online store but drops out of the process before completing the purchase. Unfortunately, many retailers struggle with this leaky funnel and high shopping cart abandonment rates. 

Enable Social Login Feature for Easy Sign Up

If your website requires users to create an account before checking out, it becomes an unnecessary barrier to purchase. As most shoppers are not generally ready to sign up for an account. You can make their shopping a happy and hassle-free experience by providing them social login; this saves their time and makes the sign-up process hassle-free. 

Reduce Checkout Complexity

A complicated checkout process with many steps and multiple forms fills one of the biggest causes of cart abandonment that can create friction and slow your shoppers down. No shopper wants to go threw a lengthy checkout cycle, asking too many questions and personal details.

Make sure to have a simple checkout process.

Tackle Site speed and App Performance Issues 

A buggy or unstable eCommerce site can be a worthy cause for shoppers to lose confidence in your brand and might cause cart abandonment. 

Suppose you are making a payment and struggling with an unexpected crash or slow page load speed, would you like to continue with checkout? Definitely no, because you might fear that you’ll be double-charged for the purchase or that their payment might fail. This will make you abandon the cart.

You need to be cautious about such concerned issues, to reduce your cart abandon rate and improve conversion.

3. How To Increase Your Sales Online With Effective Product Pages?

Since visitors cannot touch or feel the products before making a purchase, your product page's design helps you hold visitors' attention and determine whether or not a visitor turns into a buyer. For the eCommerce industry, it's an undeniable truth that you must have well-designed eCommerce product pages. Here are the web design sales practices for product pages.

Effective Product Pages

Optimum Whitespaces

Great use of whitespace can make your website layout simple and inviting. White space provides room between elements making it stand out from other features and more highlighted and appealing.  

Use padding and margins to increase space between content, images, and other web page elements. Further, improve readability by using proper font size and color contrast.

Another good practice for leveraging white space is the proper use of line spacing to improve the legibility and readability of text content and divide page elements without using visible dividers.

Using High-Resolution and Zoomable Images

Images have a huge impact on the overall UX of the website and increases conversions and sales. When it comes to eCommerce, it even gets more critical.

Using the high-resolution zoomable featured image and placing it above the fold is one of the main eCommerce product page best practices that can help your customer get familiar with your product pages.

Another best practice is using multiple angle product photos to give visitors the overall look of products added an extra edge and inspiring visitors to buy.

Jazz it Up With Product Videos

can no longer be ignored by eCommerce stores if they want to keep going strong in the existing market situation. The shoppers who show videos on its product pages were 144% more likely to get a conversion. 

Get nicely descriptive videos for the products that you want to sell or introduce with huge recall value. Instructional videos are another good choice when you are trying to sell something rather complicated.

Have Crisp And Informative Product Descriptions

A crisp & clear product description creates an impression at first glance only. Moreover, it helps you communicate the value that can help you turn your site visitors into customers instantly.

Your voice should emphasize the technical aspects of the products rather than concentrate more on their aesthetics. Tell your customer exactly “how” a particular product feature is helpful for them and “why” they should make this purchase.

A high converting product description not just appeals to your customer but it helps the visitor to understand? For example, what is the product used for? How does the product work? And what sets it apart from other similar products in the market? All this information makes them closer to sales.

All the above practices can make web design sales-oriented.

4. Best Design Practices For Lead Maximization

You might fail to generate enough leads for your business despite investing heavily in digital marketing techniques if your website lacks web design for sales, essential for lead generation websites. Here are some web design sales and lead maximization practices.

Create Simple Navigation

 A clean and organized navigation will go a long way in enhancing the user experience. When users can easily find what they're looking for, they're more likely to remain on your site for long and become leads. For the same, you need to have a simple website navigation system that meets the needs of your visitors.

To make your web design for sales, keep your navigation organized, divide categories and subcategories logically, and make all navigation elements clickable with understandable navigation titles. 

 Use Effective Call-To-Action

CTAs play a critical role in successful lead generation; as users peruse your site and look at your products and services, it's crucial to smartly take the lead to the next step you want them to complete. 

The rightly designed & placed CTAs can smartly take the lead to the next step you want them to complete. Here are the best design practices to leverage CTAs and make your web design sales-oriented.

Make your CTA stand out, look like a button, and clickable, and don't forget to optimize it for mobile viewing. Making your CTAs bold and powerful help you convince people and take them to the following desired action to get a conversion.  

Build Credabilble UX

When it comes to lead generation, user experience plays a vital role in whether the site will grab the attention of the end-users or not. You have to focus on your target audience to create a website that resonates with their needs and expectation. Here are the user experience-focused web design practices.

Make your website navigation easy to help users find information more accessible. Also, maintain a great visual hierarchy to have proper page user flow. All these basic design principles allow you to deliver an intuitive user experience.

Need professional help to build a lead maximization strategy, our lead generation consultants are just a call away.

5. Boost Your Search Engine Ranking With Right Web Design 

Since SEO is critical to driving more leads and conversions for your online business. Here are the best web design practices that will not only make your web design sales-oriented but also enhance your website’s potential rankings on search engine results pages and get potential leads. 

Optimize Website Content

The first rule is to do thorough keyword research and add your primary keyword throughout your website content to optimize your website content. Write unique titles and descriptions and optimize them for targeted keywords. 

Please avoid duplicate content; you can use the canonical tag while combining pages with similar content. Keep your site content unique, updated, SEO optimized, and avoid keyword stuffing. 

Enhance Website Loading Speed

Every user wants information quickly, so slow-loading pages will make users switch to competitors' pages. You must analyze your website with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to understand the current site loading speed and how you can improve on it.

You can use compressed images, lightweight themes, lazy loading, or use a CDN to improve your site’s loading speed. 

If you aren’t sure how to improve your website loading speed connect with a  professional digital marketing company NOW!

Get Mobile Responsive Design

A mobile-friendly website with a minimalistic design and logical site structure will automatically boost your website's SEO. Use scalable vector graphics to make your website mobile responsive. For example, you can enable automatic image resizing on content for a fast loading speed.

Another good practice is to use flexible layouts, building the layout of a website with a flexible grid consisting of columns that automatically rearrange themselves to fit any size of the screen or browser window. You also use flexible images and videos that adjust their size as the size of the viewport changes.

These practices will help you rank well on the search result pages. If you need professional assistance, feel free to reach JanBask Digital Design for further details.

Hope all these design practices help you overcome the major eCommerce challenges and help you get effective solutions on how to increase sales online store. Below are some of the critical challenges that a well-strategized web design can help tackle

5 Major eCommerce Challenges in 2022

Web Design Elements

Though the e-commerce industry growing, retailers are striving hard to satisfy customers, tackle competition, increase their lead funnel, keep maintain customer loyalty, and boost sales. But some existing gaps, give rise to some major eCommerce challenges. Here are the biggest problems eCommerce businesses are struggling with that we need to address by making the web design sales-oriented.

Shopping Cart Abandonment

87% of online shoppers abandon their shopping carts due to the complex checkout process”

Shopping Cart Abandonment is one of the biggest problems faced by eCommerce websites. Did you know that 55% admitted they would never return to the retailer’s site after experiencing a complex check-out process? 

Do you need a website that works best for your eCommerce business and allows you to prevent mass cart abandonment? Get in touch with professional eCommerce web design services that can help you with the best business solution you are looking for.

Fail to Nurture Customer Loyalty

“65% of a company's business comes from existing customers. Increasing customer retention by just 5% boosts profits by 25% to 95%”

Customer loyalty comes from seamless user experience and mutual trust between sellers and buyers. Lack of customer loyalty can cause a business today to lose 5% of new customers and the web design for sales is an integral aspect of gaining customer loyalty as user-friendly web design with enhance engagements, provide a better user experience, and get you repeated traffic.

Struggle to Deliver Omnichannel Experience

Omnichannel shoppers spend an average of 10% more time when shopping online, compared to those who interact with a business on only one channel.” 

Failing to deliver an omnichannel experience is one of the great causes of lost sales. As omnichannel experience is a strong incentive to derive move conversion. The modern shopper has a large number of touch-points they can reach out through. 

The omnichannel strategy provides a seamless customer experience whether the client is shopping online from a mobile device, or prefers official eCommerce stores, live chats, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media pages. 

Wondering how to deliver omnichannel experiences & increase your sales? Explore web design services that can help you with a multichannel web design framework that helps boost your online sales.

Explore this website design checklist to construct a perfect website design for your business.

Tracking Leads and Maximizing Lead Funnel

“65% of marketers say generating traffic and tracking leads is their biggest marketing challenge.”

Lead tracking is a significant problem online stores face causing e-tailers significant losses. A lack of strategy in web design will make it difficult to track leads during the consumer lifecycle. In addition, it will prevent you from better understanding your campaigns, sales funnel, and your sales and marketing process.

Looking for a website design that successfully propels the web design sales funnel and maximizes the lead funnel? Get in touch with an expert website design company, to get the best lead tracking website for you.

Explore the importance of web design for your business growth.

How JanBask Digital Design Can Help?

As a website design company, we create superior and new-age digital experiences.

Your customer’s first impression is their last impression. At JanBask Digital Design, we offer professional website design consultations through cutting-edge web design services for small businesses to established ones for an ever-lasting digital experience for your customer. 

Our professional web design services are tailor-made for every industry as we aim to:

  • Boost your brand value and identity.
  • Create a visually stunning digital transformation of your business. 
  • Enable you to exercise authority in your line of work.
  • Enable you to get qualified leads that convert.

Ready to make more profit !! We are just a call away

Ready to Maximize Your Online Sales

Hope, now you got to know how to increase sales online store. Strategic web design services with smart design tweaks can help you turn window shoppers into customers. Overcoming the significant eCommerce challenges and a few subtle web design tweaks can substantially impact your online sales. However, building an online store that not only helps you deal with concerning changes but succeeds in driving ample sales is not as easy as saying.

If you plan to have an online store or want to redesign your existing one, get in touch with the best web development company that will help you with a website incorporated with all the advanced marketing and web design strategies you need to boost your online sales.

Are you looking for web design services for small businesses? If or want to explore more web design sales funnel, feel free to comment below!!

Interested in our Web Design & Development Services?
  • Achieve Your Brand Vision
  • Drive Customer Engagement
  • Customize UI for Intuitive Digital Interactions

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Bodhi Rivera

Very nice written blog, it has provided very good information about how small design tweaks can improve online sales.


Jax Williams

Yes, I agree all eCommerce stores are struggling with all the listed challenges. Overcoming these challenges is not easy as saying.



I will definitely implement all these practices as my website struggles with cart abandonment rate.



What are Janbask digital design service charges we want to renovate or upgrade by old business website?


Omar Moore

Rather than investing in a website, can we obtain better sales, by investing in paid ad campaigns?
My biggest concern is lead tracking, I want to own professional assistance for website performance and lead tracking.


Adonis Smith

I want to know, if we launch a new online store under expert guidance like JanBask consultant and follow all the best design and marketing practices, how much minimum time it would take to penetrate the market and get conversions.


Aidan Johnson

Hey, I already have a website but its performance is very poor, not getting any traffic, we don’t know the reason, so we want higher website audit services to get the cause of the problem.


paul johnson

Very informative post, would like to recommend this to all my friends looking to explore best web design practices for online stores.



How much time would it take to establish a new brand throw right digital marketing practices?

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