How To Use Sensory Marketing To Boost Your Brand?


16 May, 2024


These days, you may choose from dozens of different approaches that are all meant to increase sales and delight clients. In this context, the emotion label is a popular element. Most people probably wouldn't have a good answer to the question, what is sensory marketing because the idea might be foreign to them.

Although sensorial marketing can be explained in several ways, the core sensory marketing definition remains constant.

Marketing that appeals to an audience's emotions, or sensory advertising, involves appealing to all five of a person's senses. The emphasis is on making content that appeals to all five senses (sight, touch, sound, smell, and taste).

One effective strategy for attracting consumers and cementing brand loyalty is through multisensory marketing or sensory branding.

Using a wide variety of methods and digital marketing services, sensorial marketing seeks to build an emotional connection with consumers so as to sway their purchasing decisions. You can significantly impact your audience and their purchase decision by appealing to their senses through media in your advertising and marketing initiatives.

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Why Does Sensory Marketing Work

The best advertising campaigns of today center on the buyer's journey. That's true for both physical and digital product design. User time is the most important factor, hence nothing else really counts.

You may probably guess that this idea has close ties to emotional marketing. Many leading companies now use sensory marketing to attract and retain customers. You must know what is advertising and its types.

Researchers in the study of embodied cognition have discovered that we subconsciously rely on physiological experiences when making judgments.

Using all of your senses, emotional marketing creates a more complete interaction. This is what makes it stand out as an innovative interactive technique for capturing the attention of the target audience. Sometimes, you must focus on multiple media sentiments in order to have a substantial impact and accomplish more significant outcomes.

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Everything You Need To Know About Sensory Marketing 5 Senses

One of the most significant ways to offer memorable consumer interactions is through the use of sensory marketing, as this strategy appeals to human behavior and emotion rather than depending on advertising gimmicks. Indeed, feelings are at the center of all the judgments we make about brands. In order to elicit an emotional response from your customers, it's important to appeal to as many of their senses as possible.

Let's take a closer look at each of the 5 senses used in marketing.


1. Taste

There are five basic tastes: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami. There are a number of ways to incorporate taste into a sensory marketing plan. 

Promoting sampling and making the sampling process enjoyable for customers is a frequent strategy. If you have physical stores, you might host a pop-up event where customers could taste a free sample. By strategically distributing free samples, you may encourage customers to become brand advocates and promote your eCommerce website to their networks.

2. Sound

The use of sound in advertising has been common for decades. Jingles, phrases, and other distinctive tones have long been staples of audio advertising. Music may be a powerful tool for influencing or controlling how people feel. Customers can be made to feel a variety of emotions by varying the pace, pitch, and volume. You can appeal to more people's feelings by including music in your multi-sensory marketing campaign.

Something as simple as how your name sounds when pronounced can affect your auditory identity. Knowing your audience inside and out is essential for selecting the best music for your sensory marketing strategies. 

3. Sight

Experts in sensory marketing use all five senses, but the most powerful one is sight. A well-designed logo and the use of proper color theory will be instantly recognizable to consumers. Businesses that wish to appeal to customers' eyes must go beyond the box when it comes to displaying, online, and package design in order to stand out.

Customers need to be made to see things from a new angle in order to pay attention, hence your product's focus should be on providing this. 

It makes sense to design a marketing campaign around engaging more than one sense, such as sight and hearing. Using top SEO marketing tools, you may give your customers a memorable and touching experience. The creation of a VR experience, for instance, can provide viewers with new viewpoints and put them in the shoes of the target audience while they interact with your product.

4. Touch

Another of the 5 senses used in marketing that is challenging to include in digital marketing is touch.

When people of any age encounter a brand-new item, they naturally want to touch it. In many cases, adults prefer to try something out first to see if they like it before committing to it. It has been proven time and time again that incorporating touch into marketing efforts is the most effective approach to winning over new customers.

However, there are many opportunities to provide offline customers with hands-on interaction with your products. The touch of your brand, whether through the packaging or the product itself, can strike a chord with the consumer on a personal level.

5. Smell

Most businesses in the field of sensory marketing are aware of the importance of aroma as a marketing tool. Since the limbic system is responsible for emotion and memory, how something smells can significantly impact how we react to and recall an encounter with a brand.

Numerous businesses have previously dabbled in the art of sensory marketing by developing their own distinctive aromas and olfactory experiences.

As a suggestion, stores selling food may want to place their ovens towards the front of the building so that the aroma can attract passers-by. Certain substances can be used and kept heated to ensure a constant aroma throughout the day. If you want your product to be recognized no matter where it is smelt, you need to find a scent that is linked with your brand.

Examples Of Sensory Marketing To Take Inspiration From

The most effective sensory marketing examples are campaigns that are both highly interactive and emotionally engaging, with several points of entry for the target audience. Sensory marketing initiatives are immersive experiences designed to create an indelible impression on the minds of consumers. 

Let's take a look at some companies that use sensory marketing so that you can get a sense of the real impact these methods can have.

Companies  Use Sensory marketing

1. Apple

Apple is a well-known brand with an emphasis on digital and technological products. But they still won't sell their products elsewhere but online. Instead, they provide customers with opportunities to engage with them through elaborate in-store spectacles. The stores are an aesthetic delight, adorned in Apple's distinctive white, and stocked to the gills with products that customers can try out for themselves. Apple's retail stores play an essential role in the company's sensory marketing strategy and help introduce customers to the ideal lifestyle that Apple products promote.

2. Starbucks

Another industry leader in the use of sensory marketing is Starbucks. There has been a dramatic development in Starbucks' image throughout the years. Organization has evolved into a center of creation catering to all five senses (taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound). 

When you walk into a Starbucks, you know exactly what you're going to get: the familiar scent of coffee, the same menu of recognizable flavors, and the same type of music that is playing no matter which location you visit. Starbucks locations are so uniform that they share the same artwork and wall coverings. In this way, customers can enjoy the whole Starbucks experience, not simply a good cup of coffee, at any Starbucks location.

3. Dunkin Donuts

In order to understand how appealing to customers' senses can boost their spending, one of the best instances of sensory marketing is Dunkin' Donuts. Comparable to Apple and Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts typically incorporates sensory marketing into its brand through the use of distinctive packaging, colors, and other elements. In some regions, customers are even treated to a catchy tune for the product.

4. Visa

At the conclusion of user transactions, Visa introduced a sensory branding experience. Customers' responses to music have been shown to influence their purchasing decisions. Visa has spent much time and effort perfecting a distinctive sound that is played to customers once a transaction has been completed using a Visa card. Customers may rest assured that their transaction was processed without a hitch when they hear that distinctive tone. Visa cardholders benefit from the familiarity and consistency this form of multisensory branding offers.

5. Rolls Royce

Rolls Royce's use of scent is another instance of sensory advertising. Among automotive lovers, and not only those who appreciate luxury vehicles, this company is well-known for producing vehicles with a distinctive "new car" aroma. This aroma stimulates the desire for a new car and encourages potential purchasers to make a purchase. To put it mildly, it's an adventure!

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Sensory Marketing Strategies

Reading up on the most recent studies in sensory marketing will show you that it's all about getting personal with your target demographic. The assumption that individuals will act rationally when presented with purchasing options means that traditional mass-marketing methods rarely have the same effect.

According to the study of sensory marketing, customers are more likely to follow their gut feelings than their rational thoughts.

Therefore, how exactly can you put your very own sensory marketing approach into action?

1. Get started with the identity of your brand and your target customers

The first step in developing a successful marketing strategy is to learn as much as possible about your brand, your target market, brand awareness, etc. Consider your business, then consider how you may use sensory clues to portray the essence of branding your business.  

Once you've decided on the kind of impression you want to generate, you can start thinking about the sensory experiences that will most affect your target audience. An audience's receptiveness to a given sensory cue may vary depending on factors such as the audience members' culture, age, background, and gender.

2. Consult A Digital Marketing Company

You shouldn't take sight for granted just because it's one of the most exploited senses in the field of sensory marketing. Everything from the colors of your logo to the branded images you utilize in your campaigns should be meticulously planned out. Most companies are well aware that the colors they choose in their advertising campaigns profoundly affect consumers.

A study found that individuals paid more attention to ads featuring symmetrical faces. You can consult a digital marketing company like JanBask Digital Design

3. Find your sound

The visual and auditory components of your advertising make up nearly all of the total brand knowledge consumers gain. Sound has always played a significant role in mass marketing campaigns, especially since the advent of television and radio.

In order to effectively use sound in sensory marketing, you must first determine which sounds complement your offerings.

4. Use Your Limbic System

While several senses can be engaged through sensory marketing, the smell is most commonly associated with feelings. The fragrance market has grown into a multibillion-dollar industry. Customer relationships might be affected by the smell of your packaging or the chemicals you use to clean the business.

If you decide to incorporate smells into your sensory marketing research, just ensure they aren't overpowering. Inappropriate usage of even a pleasant technique can turn off your listeners.

5. Put in-person Interactions at the same level of Importance as online ones

Last but not least, if you want to use sensory marketing to your advantage, you need to keep in mind that advertising need not be "digital" to be successful. Countless businesses have discovered innovative approaches to reaching their customers by launching websites, social media marketing campaigns, and other online initiatives. Even so, many consumers value the opportunities presented by 21st-century retailers to interact with employees and products in person.

Roughly 85% of shoppers say they prefer to put an item they're considering buying through their paces first.

By bringing at least some of your consumer engagement efforts into the real world through pop-up events, you can provide your target audience with a comprehensive, multi-sensory encounter with your brand, thereby expanding your brand's reach and visibility. 

Sensory Branding: Some Closing Thoughts

Though it's still in its infancy, sensory marketing has the potential to alter how brands advertise and expand their customer bases significantly. Through the use of sensory marketing, you may heighten the good feelings customers associate with your brand. As trained marketers, we know how to get the most out of this resource.

Consider how you can use sensory marketing to reconnect with your existing clientele, attract a whole new set of customers, and breathe new life into your promotional efforts. With the use of sensorial marketing, you may get more individuals who try your product to buy it on a regular basis.

Understanding sensorial marketing may seem challenging at first, but it's actually rather straightforward and can be used by any firm. You just need to discover how to transform your brand's most salient features into engaging sensory experiences.

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