19 Technical SEO Tools to Improve Your SEO



19 Mar, 2024



According to the HubSpot State of Inbound- “75% of marketers feel their SEO tactics are ‘extremely effective’ or ‘very effective at helping them achieve their marketing goals”

Technical SEO is a branch of search engine optimization that focuses on improving your website's infrastructure.  Advanced technical SEO optimization is crucial since it essentially guarantees that your website is user-friendly and devoid of any technical problems that would impede search engines from understanding and ranking it. Technical SEO helps draw organic traffic and convert that traffic into customers. Learn more about driving potential traffic to your website with effective SEO services with us.

Marketers now feel more assured than ever about their Technical SEO initiatives. If you don't make investments now, you risk falling behind your rivals. The rising digital competitiveness makes it mandatory that you perform the best technical seo tactics to improve a website's performance by making it simple for Google to handle a site technically (i.e., crawl, render, and index it). 

Let’s learn in detail about technical SEO and its critical functionalities.

Looking for SEO Services?

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What are the benefits of Technical SEO?

There are innumerable specific advantages to using advanced technical SEO, but the overall advantage is that if your site is thoroughly optimized, you are likely to produce more organic traffic.

All of these advantages pertain to making your website simpler to crawl, index, and navigate so that you may attract more search engine visits. The following are just a few advantages of technical SEO:

  • Following Google's recommendations for optimizing websites
  • Having a website that can be accessed from any device, including mobile
  • Ensuring that all users may access your website swiftly
  • Making it simple for search engines to crawl, index, and rank your website
  • Getting rid of pop-ups and other obtrusive features that hurt user experience
  • Facilitating user navigation and information discovery on your website
  • Maintaining the security of your website
  • Establishing a URL structure that is search engine friendly
  • Removing 404 pages and broken links from your website
  • Structured data addition will enhance how your pages appear in search results.
  • Making a robots.txt file available to search engines to instruct them what to crawl (and what not to crawl)
  • Creating a sitemap for your website as a "roadmap" will help with indexing.

If you are interested in learning about the various benefits of SEO, click here to read this blog. 

What Is a Technical SEO Example?

Creating structured data is an example of technical SEO. Structured data is the process of describing your website in a language that search engines can understand. We'll get into this in more detail later. Schema markup is the kind of structured data vocabulary that is most often used.

A uniform framework for web pages is used by the majority of the top search engines. To ensure that search engines can provide users with the most accurate and complete results, this structure must be well-organized. Structured data is a crucial example of technical SEO because of this.

The creation of an XML sitemap for your website is another illustration of technical SEO. Setting up your website correctly so that each page performs as it should be is the first significant step in developing a technical SEO plan. This file is crawled by Google (and other search engines) to better understand your website. To help you understand better here is a Technical SEO guide with must have SEO tools. 

19 Perfect Technical SEO Tools to Imporve Your SEO

Advanced Technical SEO tools for agencies are plenty making it difficult to decide what can complement or benefit your desired goals more. To uncover any technical seo issues that might be affecting the performance of organic search, from finding difficulties with site speed to crawling and indexing, it's crucial to have the appropriate tools at your disposal. Along with learning about technical SEO here are 7 Types Of SEO You Must Know To Optimize Your Website.


The list of vital technical SEO tools that any SEO expert should learn is provided below- 

1. Screaming Frog

The crawler to have is called a Screaming Frog. It is essential to first carry out a website crawl with this tool in order to produce a thorough website audit. It is possible to add false positives or errors into an audit that you would not otherwise be aware of, depending on particular parameters.

You can recognise the fundamentals such as:

  • Page titles are absent.
  • Meta descriptions are absent.
  • Inadequate meta keywords
  • Enormous photos.
  • Response codes with errors.
  • URL mistakes.
  • Canonical mistakes.

Screaming Frog can assist you with more difficult tasks like:

  • Identifying pagination problems
  • Identifying implementation problems with foreign SEO.
  • Taking a deep dive into a website’s architecture.

2. Google Analytics

Without a reliable analytics system to evaluate organic search performance, where would we be? Even though it's free, Google Analytics offers a wealth of information that might assist you in identifying things like fines, traffic problems, and anything else that may come your way.

If you correctly configure Google Analytics, it would be ideal to have a monthly reporting process in place, much like how Google Search Console operates. You can use this procedure to save data in case the client's Google Analytics access is compromised in some terrible way. At least you won't have a circumstance where you lose all client data. Here are some SEO Statistics that you must know about in 2022

3. WebPagetest

Recent years have seen a rise in interest in page speed, and doing website page speed audits will reveal a wealth of practical tools. In light of this, WebPagetest is a crucial SEO tool for your business.

With WebPagetest, you can do some cool stuff like:

  • Tests of waterfall speed.
  • speed tests for competitors.
  • speed competition videos.
  • figuring out how long it takes for a web page to load completely.
  • First byte is now.
  • render time has begun.
  • parts of the Document Object Model (DOM).

This is helpful for determining how a site's technological components work together to get the desired outcome, or display time.

4. Google Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool

Determining a website's mobile technological characteristics is essential for any website assessment. Google's Mobile-Friendly Testing tool can provide you with information about a website's mobile implementation when you put it through its paces.

5. GTMetrix Page Speed Report

A page speed scorecard called GTMetrix offers an alternative viewpoint on page speed. It is feasible to tidy up numerous factors that contribute to fast page loading by digging deeply into page requests, CSS and JavaScript files that must load, and other website elements. Here is a list of some more SEO marketing tools to help you rank better.

6. SEMrush

Accurate data for keyword research and other technical research is SEMrush's biggest selling point. The data from SEMrush's competitor analysis is what makes it so helpful. SEMrush may not typically come to mind when considering a technical analysis tool. However, the rankings data and market analysis data can offer unexpected facts if you delve deeply enough into a competitor analysis. These insights can help you better customize your SEO strategy and outperform your rivals.

7. Majestic

Majestic is a well-known SEO tool with distinctive linking insights. Similar to Ahrefs, downloading reports of the site's whole link profile allows you to spot things like linking trends.

Additionally, undesirable areas and additional domains owned by the website owner may be discovered. It is also possible to identify problems with a site's linking that result from problems with the site's website associations using this poor neighborhood report. For determining technical link qualities like Trust Flow, Citation Flow, and other connecting components that contribute to trust, relevance, and authority, Majestic uses its own values, similar to most programmes. They can also spot any problems the link profile may have over time by using their own link graphs.

The incorporation of Majestic into link diagnostic procedures will have a significant positive impact on any agency's workflow.

8. Barracuda Panguin

Any agency's protocol should include using the Barracuda Panguin tool when looking into a site for a penalty. It functions by establishing a connection with the website's Google Analytics account. The overlay is entangled with your GA data and will overlay information about when a penalty occurred over it. This overlay makes it simple to spot instances that would have resulted in penalties.

It is crucial to understand that correlation is not always a sign of causality and that there is no clear science behind this. It's crucial to look into every possible explanation for why data might be showing that something is occurring in order to eliminate any potential penalties. When conducting an investigation, using tools like these can help you focus on approximations in data events as they happen.

9. BrightLocal

When managing a website for a local company, local SEO or technical on page seo should account for a sizable amount of the link-building efforts. BrightLocal can help with this. Although it isn't typically considered a technical SEO tool, using it can help you find technical problems with the site's local SEO profile.

With this tool, you may, for instance, assess the site's local SEO citations. After that, you may proceed with locating and submitting your website to the relevant citations that have not yet taken place. In that it provides a pre-populated list of potential citations, it functions somewhat similarly to Yext. You may audit, sanitise, and build citations to the most popular citation sites thanks to one of its indispensable features, which is fantastic to have (and others that are less common).

Your Google My Business presence will also be thoroughly audited by BrightLocal, including thorough local SEO audits. This is one of those things that is a no-brainer from a workflow viewpoint if your agency invests heavily in local SEO. Here is a guide to help you drive better traffic to your website

10. Botify

This utility is one of those comprehensive utilities that only occasionally appears. Botify is one of the most comprehensive advanced technical SEO tools on the market for technical SEO.

Its unique selling point is the capacity of its in-depth keyword analysis tool to balance technical SEO and search intent. Crawl budget and technical SEO components that correspond to searcher intent can be tied together.

Additionally, through its thorough technical analysis, it is possible to pinpoint all the technical SEO aspects that affect ranking. Regardless of the industry, you are focusing on, you may see changes in how people look in its extensive reporting.

11. Google Search Console

Google Search Console ought to be any SEO's main tool. Recently, this important tool underwent an upgrade. The updated version added more data, functionality, and reports while replacing a number of outdated features. Why is this product so beneficial for businesses? establishing a reporting procedure.

Good reporting is essential for SEO agencies. It is strongly advised that you establish a reporting method if you haven't previously.

In the event that there is a problem with website changes, where GSC accounts may be deleted, this procedure may help you. You have been keeping it for all these months, so even if it is destroyed, you can still access all of your GSC data. Want to generate leads for your business? Read this!

12. Web Developer Toolbar

Without a reliable analytics system to evaluate organic search performance, where would we be? Even though it's free, Google Analytics offers a wealth of information that might assist you in identifying things like fines, traffic problems, and anything else that may come your way.

If you correctly configure Google Analytics, it would be ideal to have a monthly reporting process, much like how Google Search Console operates.

You can use this procedure to save data in case the client's Google Analytics access is compromised terribly. At least you won't have a circumstance where you lose all client data.

13. Google Pagespeed Insights

Google's PageSpeed Insights is essential for businesses who want to get their website page speed to act together because it combines speed measurements for both desktop and mobile. It's not the end-all, be-all of page metrics testing, but it's a nice place to start.

  • The precise page speed used by PageSpeed Insights is not always used. Approximations are used.
  • While using Google Page Speed, you might receive one result; using other tools could yield a different outcome.
  • It is essential to remember that Google's PageSpeed only delivers a portion of the information while conducting an examination.
  • It is advised to employ a variety of tools for your investigation to gain a complete understanding of what the website is actually doing. Learn more about important seo tools for marketing

14. Google’s Schema.org Structured Data Testing Tool

The Structured Data Testing Tool excels at doing one task:

It enables you to compare Schema structured data markup to the data that Google supports from Schema.org. This is an excellent technique to find problems with your Schema coding before the code is put into place. 

15. W3C Validator

Although you might not typically consider a code validator like the W3C Validator as an SEO tool, it is nonetheless crucial. Be cautious! If you don't know what you're doing, it's simple to interpret the data incorrectly and worsen the situation.

Consider the scenario where you are verifying XHTML-developed website code that has been converted to WordPress.

While under development, just putting the full code into WordPress does not alter the document type. That is probably the reason if, when testing, you come across pages that contain thousands of errors throughout the entire document.

This type of website development makes it more probable that it will require a complete redesign and new code, particularly if the old code is missing.

16. Ahrefs

Many people believe that Ahrefs is a tool that is essential to contemporary technical link analysis. You can determine what a website is doing for their linking strategy by seeing specific trends in their link profile. Learn more various factors that affect your ranking in 2022. 

Using its word cloud capability, it is possible to spot anchor text problems that can be affecting a website. You can also tell what kinds of links are pointing to the website, such as blog networks, high-risk link profiles with plenty of forum and web 2.0 linkages, or other serious problems. Other skills include being able to determine when backlinks on a site started to disappear, its connecting patterns, and much more.

17. Moz Bar

It is challenging to imagine something like the MozBar, which invites some silliness, as a serious technical SEO tool. But you can learn a lot about many metrics by doing a thorough investigation.

Moz's Domain Authority and Page Authority, Google Caching status, other coding like social open graph coding, and cool features like the page Metas at-a-glance while in the web browser are a few examples. You may also view more complex aspects, like as rel="canonical" tags, page load speed, Schema Markup, and even the HTTP status of the website, without delving too far into a crawl.

It can be a good idea to integrate the results from this data in an actual audit. This is excellent for an initial inspection of the site before delving deeper into a proper audit.

18. Google Search Console XML Sitemap Report

One of the technical SEO tools that should be a significant component of any agency's reporting routine is the Google Search Console XML Sitemap Report.

Any SEO audit must include diagnosing sitemap problems, and this technical knowledge can assist you in achieving the crucial 1:1 ratio between URLs added to the site and sitemap updates.

For those who are unaware, making sure of the following is regarded as an SEO best practices:

  • that each of the 200 OK URLs should be included in a sitemap. There shouldn't be any 4xx or 5xx URLs in the sitemap.
  • The number of exact URLs in the sitemap should match the number on the website by a factor of 1:1. In other words, there shouldn't be any orphaned pages in the sitemap that aren't visible to Screaming Frog.
  • If any parameter-filled URLs are not regarded as primary pages, they should be taken out of the sitemap. Make sure that the parameters listed below are not included in URLs as they may interfere with the validation of XML sitemaps. To learn more about important SEO practices, read this article. 

19. Whitespark

When compared to BrightLocal, Whitespark is more comprehensive. By locating your site's position among competitors, its local citation finder enables you to dig further into your site's local SEO or technical on page SEO.

To that aim, it also enables you to locate every local SEO citation used by your rivals.

Additionally, as part of its auditing features, it is able to track rankings through comprehensive reporting that is concentrated on specific Google local positions like the local pack, local finder, and, as well as comprehensive organic rankings data from both Google and Bing.


It's likely that your website, regardless of how old it is or how new it is, has some technical SEO difficulties that could hurt its ranks. The good news is that the majority of technical SEO concerns can be resolved with a short upgrade, effective tools or professional assistance, allowing you to reap the rewards as soon as feasible.

To find any technical problems with your site, your best plan of action is to acquire a technical SEO experienced company. Then, an SEO expert may take care of any technical problems that can prevent people from seeing your website. Working with a company with technical SEO experts will help you save time and prevent mistakes that could cost you money.

Technical SEO is a skill that takes time to develop; it necessitates a lot of research and trial and error. The good news is that you don't have to do it by yourself. We at JanBask Digital Design offer the best and the most effective technical SEO services to improve your ranking across search engines. 

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Q1. Do you require professional help for Technical SEO?

A Technical SEO company or specialist is someone who has received special training to increase your online presence. You might want to think about hiring an SEO expert firm that can assist you with an assessment of your pages.

Hiring an SEO is a significant decision that may help your website and save you time. Make sure to complete your homework on the benefits of employing an SEO as well as the harm that a negligent SEO can cause to your website. JanBask Digital Design can offer helpful services to website owners, such as:

  • Review of the content or architecture of your website
  • Technical guidance on creating websites, such as hosting, redirects, error pages, and JavaScript usage
  • Content creation
  • Management of marketing initiatives for online businesses
  • Training in SEO and keyword research Knowledge of particular markets and regions

Q2. How can I make Google index my website?

You typically don't even need to do anything other than put your site on the web because Google is a completely automated search engine that employs web crawlers to constantly browse the web in search of sites to add to our index. In actuality, the vast majority of the websites we display in our results are discovered and added automatically when we crawl the internet. Discover how Google finds, indexes, and serves web pages.

JanBask Digital Design provides webmaster instructions for creating a website that is Google-friendly. Following these recommendations will help your site show up in our search results, while there is no guarantee that our crawlers will find a specific site.

Q3. Why Do I Need Technical SEO Services For My Website?

The success of your website marketing hinges on optimizing it to be quick, useful, and user-friendly because websites have many moving elements. Technical SEO, a branch of search engine optimization that focuses on improving your website's infrastructure, is one such element.

Technical SEO is crucial since it essentially guarantees that your website is user-friendly and devoid of any technical problems that would impede search engines from understanding and ranking it. Technical SEO should be used to draw organic traffic and convert that traffic into paying clients.Here are some more benefits- 

  • Following Google's recommendations for optimizing websites
  • Having a website that can be accessed from any device, including mobile
  • Ensuring that all users may access your website swiftly
  • Making it simple for search engines to crawl, index, and rank your website
  • Getting rid of pop-ups and other obtrusive features that hurt user experience
  • Facilitating user navigation and information discovery on your website
  • Maintaining the security of your website
  • Establishing a URL structure that is search engine friendly
  • Removing 404 pages and broken links from your website
  • Structured data addition will enhance how your pages appear in search results.
  • Making a robots.txt file available to search engines to instruct them what to crawl (and what not to crawl)
  • Creating a sitemap for your website as a "roadmap" will help with indexing.

Q4. What Do Technical SEO Services At Your SEO Company Cost?

Every project for bespoke search engine optimization services is unique and varies greatly in terms of the precise needs, scope, type of business, and special features & functionalities. Unlike other technical SEO services, we have outstanding & affordable personalized price plans that are ideal for your business cost sheet, regardless of whether you are a startup or an established organization.

Q5. How to conduct technical SEO for my business? 

Conducting SEO for your business can be divided into 8 steps- 

  • Crawl your website
  • Spotting crawlability and indexation issues
  • Checking technical on-page elements
  • Identifying image issues
  • Analyzing internal links
  • Checking external links
  • Site speed and performance
  • Ensuring your site is mobile-friendly

Q6. What are the different types of SEO?

The three kinds of SEO are: 

  • On-page SEO – Anything on your web pages – Blogs, product copy, web copy. 
  • Off-page SEO – Anything which happens away from your website that helps with your SEO Strategy- Backlinks. 
  • Technical SEO – Anything technical undertaken to improve Search Rankings – site indexing to help bot crawling.

Q7. What SEO Services Does Your SEO Agency Provide?

You may get pretty much anything SEO-related with our search engine optimization services. But particularly, among other excellent SEO companies, our SEO agency can assist you with these SEO services:

  • Voice SEO services
  • Local SEO services
  • Ecommerce SEO services
  • On Page Optimization
  • Off Page Optimization
  • Quality Backlinks Building
  • Increasing Domain Authority
  • Online Reputation Building
  • Analytics & Reporting

Q8. How can I find Technical SEO assistance online?

The Steps to Hiring an SEO Expert- 

  • Recognize the benefits of SEO for your company.
  • Find someone who has a track record of success.
  • During a free discovery call, get to know them.
  • Outline your expectations, align your budget with their deliverables.

To make your search easier and to help you with the best in the industry SEO strategies JanBask Digital Design possesses expertise, experience and simple process. We excel at improving website ranking, visibility and getting you the desired results. Visit us to know more!

Q9. How long does a technical SEO audit take?

The length of a proper audit can range from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the size of your business. When making significant modifications to a website, taking professional help can save you a lot of time and errors. JanBask Digital Design, the SEO expert undertakes a full analysis in order to provide precise, useful advice. 

Q10. What is the difference between technical and content SEO?

Technical SEO, as the name suggests, focuses on fixing technical issues with your website, such as loading times and problems. Improved content on your website's pages, such as blog articles, is referred to as "content SEO." Your website will rank higher in Google search results using both SEO techniques.

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Corbin Stewart

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is wonderful, and tһe articles are really great! Good job, cheers!


Kash Sanchez

Very Informative Article!


Reid Morris

Great post I ever read on Technical SEO! Can I improve my website ranking without technical SEO?


Kameron Rogers

Good article! I don’t think I can perform Technical SEO all by myself. Where can I find professional help?


Andre Reed

Fantastic article! I greatly appreciate it. It greatly aided me.


Gunner Cook

Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing this post; I learned a few useful things from reading it.

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