How to Promote Blog? Effective Checklist & Blog Promotion Techniques


21 May, 2024



Are you one of those wondering- how to promote my blog posts for better and appropriate reach? What are the best ways to promote blog posts to get more leads and conversions?

When the word blog pops in your mind, what is it that you see or conjure an image of? Well, I can’t speak for you, but I see images of top blogs like scoopwhoop, BuzzFeed, etc. But the main thing here to observe is that I do not see or remember any fresh or new blogs that have recently come up. And it is on this topic that I will base my article on. Now how many of you have tried to come up with a blogging website, but since due to one reason or the other, you prematurely shut it down? I bet a lot of you have at some point in your life tried your hand at blogging. It makes sense. Everyone wishes to put their views out there on the internet for the rest of the world to see and react. However, the viability of a blogging website also depends on one important aspect, i.e., the visitors to your blog, and this is a major reason why the recent, fresh blogs shut down. Another important aspect is the relevancy and uniqueness of content. After all, nobody likes to listen to the same old content that has also been covered by ten other blogs unless you have some really mind-blowing take on it.

But even then it is quite difficult for the blogger to have the visitors take a gander at the article and react thereafter. People often ask us how I promote my blog or what are the best way to promote my blog post. 

Hence in this blog, I shall cover the aspect as to how to promote your blog posts and make it successful so that it does not flake out in its starting years itself and hopefully your blog over time shall gain success.

Effective Steps to Promote Blog Post

1). More Article Publishing

This is one of those reasons that are quite relevant to the determination of the success of a blog but yet is also ignored regularly and with a sense of impunity by the blogger. It has been observed, taken note of and reported upon in countless studies and researches that if you as a blogger do not write more articles and put it on your website, your viewership and readership will gradually decline until the day you stop getting viewers on your website altogether. It is important that this particular point is followed religiously and with fanaticism. Only if you regularly update the website with fresh and relevant articles and a minimum of twenty articles per month will you have any hope of achieving success in your blog writing endeavors.

2). Longer Articles

It has been observed that Google, which is one of the major search engines, tends to give more preference to articles and blogs that are long, i.e. blogs that contain more than 3000 words. For it can be easily observed that the longer the blog or article, the more comprehensive it shall be. Writing a long article or blog has its own advantages. For starters, you have the freedom in covering as many relevant topics under your article as there are. You can use a more free-flowing structure while presenting your article. Whereas if you restrict yourself to short articles, you have a major disadvantage which is that your article has to be snappy, eye-catching, and cover all the relevant information in one go or you stand a chance to lose your visitors. Short articles suffer from greater competition to be relevant and stand out at the same time, whereas long articles and blogs have less competition considering that there are very few articles that are comprehensive and yet long too.

3). Email List

Email stands at a very dangerous line between being considered spam or as a useful tool that can result in an increase in visitor traffic to your website. Emails that have more of a personal touch are more likely to be well-received than an email that is sent and looks like it is the work of a robot. Similarly, if a blogger sends an email at the time when a new article is published on the blog, and the email pertains to that, the chances that not only will your email be read carefully but thereafter your blog will also get better chances of being visited so that this new article can be read and this will literally skyrocket your chances of increasing visitor traffic. Furthermore creating an email list also has one additional advantage. You cannot control your visitor traffic from the internet. You can, however, control how you use the email list and use it to take the necessary actions to increase your traffic because you have emails of dozens of people using which you can directly communicate with them.

4). Blogging On Other Social-Blogs Site

One of the most popular and actually an easier way to drive the visitor count to your blog site is that you can sometimes write articles for other websites and blogs that are much more popular than your one. The question here is if you write for other blogs, how are you increasing your blog’s popularity? Well when you write for other more popular blog sites, you are allowed to include a link along with a bio which can be clicked by readers of the said article and after that the link can redirect the readers to your website or blog and thus increase your visitor traffic. However, this particular technique only works on websites or blogs which are more popular than your website or blog site. 

5). SEO Optimization

Search engines are one of the best bets to get more visitors to your website. However, to obtain that amount of traffic, you have to feature on the first page and preferably among the first five results that are displayed. Because let’s face it, if you are not on the first page of the search results, you are already out of the race to become popular. However, to feature on the first page of the search results, there are certain tips and tricks. One of the easiest is to optimize the site in such a way that the search engine sees the relevancy of your article and lists it on their search results page.

6). Reactions & Comments On Other Popular Blogs

The correct remark on an exceptionally legitimate blog can send you a great amount of viewer traffic; recognize the top websites in your specialty and begin reacting and commenting on online journals and blogs all the time. This will get the blogger and individuals from his locale to see you and visit your blog, prompting more traffic for you; you may even get a connection, or welcome a visitor blog out of it.

7). Outreach Plan For Bloggers

Numerous bloggers neglect to get traffic since they adopt an aloof strategy to blogging; on the off chance that you just distribute your article, rest and trust that traffic will come at that point then sorry to burst your bubble, but nothing will happen at all. Literally zilch! For each article you distribute, ensure you have a strong outreach plan; order a rundown of many significant bloggers that you can email your article to and request that they offer any sort of connection to your article.

8). Get Experts To Share Their Views

In what capacity will you like to use the reach and range of 10, 20 or more specialists and experts in your niche to propagate your views? Is it even conceivable? Indeed, by doing something known as a “roundup of experts” in which you meet a group of experts and ask them a couple of inquiries to be incorporated inside your one article, you can skyrocket the no. of visitors and traffic that your blog gets. When the opinion of your group of experts has been published, ask every other blogger to get the message out about it; the aftereffect of this will be that a lot of traffic will suddenly be coming onto your blog as everybody will be interested in seeing and reading the opinion of these experts.

9). Publication Of Resource Article

Resource blogs and articles are extraordinarily powerful for boosting traffic to your blog, considerably more than the normal blog entry. An article on Digital Current demonstrates that it’s conceivable to easily get up to 100,000 views for every article by the publication of the resource blogs and articles.

10). Interview Famous Celebs Or Influencers On Social Media

There are tons of Facebook and LinkedIn groups with countless active users and followers; shockingly, however, a great many people attempt to get traffic by spamming these web-based social networking gatherings, only to finish up by having their articles thrown out and rejected. A better method to get traffic from such online social media gatherings is to talk with celebrities and influencers of these groups and request that they share the article you include them in. Regardless of whether they don’t share your article, you can share it in the gathering yourself as an individual or member from the group itself.

11). Interview Popular Bloggers And Owners Of Forum

Assemble a rundown of the best group owners or leaders of forums and popular bloggers in your specialty and meet with them; if conceivable, get them to take part in a round-up post on your blog. Send them the link to the article after the same has been published and urge them to share it.

12). Create A Blogging Challenge

Host your own blogging challenge and make it a condition that members share your article via web-based networking media or blog about it; if conceivable, attempt to get a few supporters and have them blog about your challenge also. This will go far to help your blog’s outreach.

13). Develop A Online Media Strategy

Just making web-based profiles and sharing your most recent articles won’t cut it. Build up strategy for social media by concentrating just on key online media like Facebook and Instagram, interact with influencers and top blogging websites, and, communicate in groups to develop your outreach in social media. Likewise, ensure you continually post updates, and consistently reuse old articles via social media; essentially sharing your article once, or every so often, won’t cut it. Most prominent bloggers offer links to recheck with the old articles on their blog for a considerable length of time. Posting recurrence ought to differ and is to be contingent upon the appropriate social media platform being used; research and studies have demonstrated that it is ideal for posting twice a day on Facebook, thrice a day on Twitter and Google+ and multiple times a day on Pinterest.

14). Cross Promotions

Discover a blogger with a comparative group of the intended target audience to compare and check your article and whether you can complete a “cross promo challenge or shout out challenge.” This garners a lot of popularity among the bloggers as well as their target audiences. You can likewise elevate them to your email list while they elevate you to theirs.

15). Submit Your Blogs On Blogging Communities

Present Your Content to Blogging Communities: Blogging people groups have existed for quite a while and are a decent place to get traffic; some outstanding blog communities are Bizsugar in the business specialty, Blokube in the blogging and web media specialty and DesignFloat in the planned specialty. Search for a blogging network in your specialty that you can impart intriguing articles to and sometimes present your articles.

16). Advertise Your Blog On Good Forums

Advertise Your Blog on Top Forums in Your Niche: Forums can likewise be a decent wellspring of traffic; a large number of the top discussions in your specialty presumably get a huge number of visitors and guests, and many have a huge number of individuals, yet you can’t just begin spamming the gatherings with your connections. Rather, center around making profitable commitments to the gathering in the type of thoughts, react to other individuals’ discourses and be dynamic in prominent talks; make a point to have a connection to your blog in your discussion mark, and you’ll see an expansion in your internet traffic to our blog.

17). Prepare A Comprehensive Index

A comprehensive index or guide is intended to be the first and last article your viewers read regarding a matter; because of their tendency, comprehensive guides are typically exceptionally far-reaching in nature. It isn’t strange to see a comprehensive guide that is 5,000 – 10,000 words long.

18). Social Media Share Tabs

Many bloggers neglect to incorporate social sharing tabs on their blog sites, and this is costing these bloggers sharing on social media, introduction, and traffic. While it isn’t obvious to what degree, research and studies demonstrate that adding social tabs to your page will prompt more offers of your content and article, therefore accordingly expanding traffic.

19). Infographics Usage

Research demonstrates that infographics shared on Twitter get 823% more retweets than pictures and articles. Infographics have been so successful for a blogger, for example, Neil Patel regularly used infographics, and it helped him launch his web journals from no traffic to more than 100,000 guests month to month. In his words, old infographics produce more than 50,000 month-to-month guests to one of his online journals. You too can promote your blog by making attractive infographics, particularly those that offer significant certainties and measurements, and advise influencers in your specialty to share it and republish it.

20). Promote Your Blog On Quora

Exactly how incredible is Quora for advertising and promoting your blog? As referenced before, Quora hotshot Oliver Emberton utilized Quora to publish and circulate a blog. Within seven months of beginning his blog, he was at that point where he was getting a large number of viewers month to month basis. Oliver did this by contributing extraordinary content and being dynamic on Quora; in the long run, this resulted in an increased amount of traffic that prompted articles on his blog to circulate the web.

21). Search For Interview Opportunities

Some online journals and sites are devoted to talking to successful individuals and exhibiting their success stories; on the off chance that you have a good story or have a triumph that you can display or publish, you can link up with these sites and request that they talk with you.

22). Blog About A Major Personality

So what does blogging about Obama, or Justin Beiber or some other real character have to do with advancing your blog? In June 2010, Think Traffic distributed an article titled

“The Diddy Guide to Constant Creativity and Relentless Marketing”; the outcome was a Tweet of the article by P. Diddy himself to his 2.6 million Twitter supporters.

23). React To Controversial Posts

Writing questionable posts, or assaulting untouchable relics and views/traditions can be amazing for creating traffic and boosting your introduction. On the off chance that you Google it, there are numerous anecdotes about how writing on a disputable post can help increase a blogger’s distinction/recognition and thus his traffic.

24) Update and Upgrade Old Content

Update every single post on our site, yes it is not easy if there are hundreds of blogs that have been published in the past. But doing this helps you boost organic traffic. Using the same strategy Backlinko’s overall traffic boosted by 25.71% compared to the previous year and resulted in around 410,322 more visitors yearly.

You can start doing so with the last page of your blog feed. Then move further to update and improve each post. This will allow you to remove obsolete content from your site, replace old visuals and images, and update dates. Depending on how many posts you have, this can take months (or even years) but trust us it will totally be worth it and boost your blog traffic.

How to Promote Blog Posts: Techniques to Promote Blog

Though you have put a lot of hours into the blog already. But without a proper promotion plan, all your hard work and efforts will go to dust. In order for your blog to be successful from the get-go, there are certain best practices you have to take to lay the strong groundwork when you first go live with your blog and what you can do to ensure your blog success for the long run. 

Next, we are going to see best practices on how to promote blog posts. 

But before that, we have curated a pre-blog promotion checklist that ensures less procrastination, better content management to help you better organize a strong blog marketing strategy.

Pre- Blog Promotion Checklist

Do Proper Content Planning & Research

Content planning and research involve a number of activities including choosing your niche, researching keywords and topics, researching your audience, and more.

Optimization Content To Make Your Blog Searchable.

When you optimize your blog content for search engines, it will help your blog rank better on SERP and potential and relevant customers, find you on their own.

Add Visuals To Complement Blog Posts

Visual content like images, infographics, and videos can make your blog posts more informative, visually appealing, and memorable.

Hire Freelancers for Promotional Assistance if required

As promoting your blog by yourself can be quite the hustle it's relatively cheap to hire freelancers and manage a remote team to assist you in blog promotion.

Ensure to Have High-Quality Unique Content

Your blog should contain helpful, original, fact-driven content that relates to your product and brand so make sure you’re creating high-quality blog content.

Remember visitors visit blogs to get information, even the best promotion strategy won’t work if your content quality is not  good. Trying really hard to prepare better content that your audience will find extremely useful, interesting, informative.

Let's move on to the best ways to promote blog content.

Final Thoughts on How to Promote Blog

There are many ways to learn how to promote your blog posts or how to promote your blog for free or even how to promote your WordPress blogs. But apart from learning such promotion and advertising methods, you can also take the help of apps like StumbleUpon to promote your blog. StumbleUpon is an app in the garb of a promotion machine that pushes web content suggestions to its clients. Its highlights enabled clients to find and rate Web pages, photographs, and recordings that are customized to their preferences and interests utilizing peer-sourcing, person-to-person communication, and promoting standards. But conclusively use any tips, tricks, and methods to promote your blog so that you gain recognition as fast as possible.

Want to explore how to use Stumbleupon to promote your blog? Or struggling with questions like how to promote my blog on pinterest? Or how do I publicize my blog? Feel free to reach our consultants’ team at JanBask Digital Design for professional assistance.

Did this post help you understand how to promote blogs? Want to add something, feel free to comment below!! 


JanBask - Author

A Specialized Team for custom web solutions for your business through Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing Services such as SEO, Social Media Marketing.

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Codeaxia Digital Solutions

awesome article….. thanks


jason james

Thank you so much for helpful blog…

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